Dexa Scan- 28F, 5'7, 154 lbs 25.2% BF with pic


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Hey XX Fitness!
So I went and got a dexa scan the other day- soooo interesting! Highly recommend ! Anyway since I always appreciate these types of posts, I thought I would share my results and also a pic of what I look like
Album here ( SFW, shorts and sports bra)

I am 5'7 , 154 lbs, with 25.2% BF. I have 38.8 lbs of fat, 109.4 lbs of lean tissue( muscle)
Fun fact: my skeleton only weights 6 lbs. So much for my 'big bones' theory LOL

The fattest part of my body by far are my hips/thighs/glutes (what they call the gynoid) with 30.8% fat yikes!
What made this so interesting is that if you would have asked me, I would have said my stomach has the most fat

It was also fun to see how much each body part legs weigh 56.7 lbs! ( with 38 of that being muscle) but now I have facts to support that burpees are indeed harder for me than everyone else because my legs weigh so much ( haha)

I am currently trying to get more defined abs so I hope to in the next few weeks drop down to about 145 lbs without losing any strength ( pr'ing my lifts is still very important to me and I would rather get stronger than have abs). I have another scan scheduled 4/22 so well see how much progress I can make in this time!

The time limit is self induced as I am going on vacation haha.
My current workout schedule is crossfit 5X a week, and I play soccer once or twice a week. I feel great with my current diet so I am continuing that but will add in ( or try too) 3-4 more hours of cardio a week. If anyone has experience with losing 3-5% BF in about 2 months I would love to hear it. I am not very interested in extreme measures, LOL :)
(extreme for me would be eating less than 1800 cals a day, or completely eliminating any food groups ect)

Edit: Also, the handheld bf measurement tool put me at 22% bf, vs this scan of 25.2% so for those who wonder about accuracy, it runs low ( in my experience)

Edit edit: for those interested: Progress pic Now vs June 2016. weight is about the same in each pic- wish I would have had a dexa before I started lifting!
@derf This is so so so interesting! I'm only an inch taller than you, but my current goal stats are very close to your current stats. The day I fit into a size 8, I will tell everyone I see! Thanks for the post.
@derf I'm 5'7" and 149lbs and carry most of my fat in my hips, thighs, and butt. You definitely have more muscle than me but this is very cool to see. I've been trying to cut down to a comfortable 140. I've been at 150 for about 6 months without much effort. I have about the same amount of ab showing as you but definitely more thigh fat. I'll have to build my muscles up more. This is so interesting! I appreciate you sharing.
@derf This is super fascinating! I just got a DEXA and had fairly similar results - although I'm 26.3% bf rather than 25.2% - but I would have guessed that you had a wayyyy lower result than me! I was also 30% bf in the gynoid region, which surprised me cause I notice the fat in my stomach much more. Anyways, you look great and your DEXA results seem super healthy so, yay!
@n9070 Thank you!! and yeah I guess all the junk in the trunk really added to my over all percentage LOL :) I thought it was all muscle ahahah
@parentingpod I don't have a tape measure but i did get my waist measured a few months ago for work (before I lost about 5 lbs) so I don't know if it is still the same as the pic and it was at 31 inches.

Don't have hips but my pant sizes are anywhere from 4-8 depending on brand if that helps? I wear a 34/36B bra

If i can get a hold of measure I will update :)
@derf This is great to see! I'm 5'7 and 155lbs currently.

The only thing I can think of in regards to your quest is to increase your deficit and keep your protein up. That's what I've been doing (I started at 160) and it hasn't put a damper on PRing, although it's a slower.
@dawn16 Thank you!! I was also closing in on 160 a month or so ago, i went too hard on a cut and was unhappy with my athletic performance so I upped my carbs a little ( good carbs tho, no bagels sad face!) and am trying to get in 120-130 g of protein at least a day (its hard, i rely a lot on protein shakes) Glad to hear you haven't lost any PRs- I don't mind slow as long as I keep gaining muscle :)
@derf That's good that you can get that amount! I'm at about 100g a day sans shake but I might just add it in since it's a chance to get higher protein. I'm at 1700 calories and while I can power through my workouts I am noticeably more tired. It takes me a bit longer to get through sets but I'm not weaker...if that makes sense?
@dawn16 Oh yeah totally know what you mean!!
And i swear by protein shakes, especially since I get home late and am not wanting a full meal...easy and not super filling. I use vega protein powder, its my favorite if you need a rec :)
@derf Very interesting! I'm about the same size as you (5'7, 146, carry fat in my thighs and arms, but have a higher ratio of fat/muscle, at least I think so) so it is interesting to see! I also suspect my thighs carry a lot of fat. I thought my BF % was much higher (like 35%) but looking at you, I'm probably just a tad higher.
@derf Yeah maybe not! I think the pics throw me off, because my belly is really soft prob due to lack of core strength, tbh) so it looks like the 30-35% range, but the rest of my body is fairly lean.
@jariid Stomachs are weird, I would have bet money on my belly being more fat than my butt but I think a lot of belly fullness can be bloating ect. I bet you will be pleasantly surprised if you get a scan!
@derf Very interesting! I would love to have this done... we are just about the same size! Can I ask how much you paid for it?