5'4"//27F//177lbs DEXA Scan (36.5%Fat)

@anonymous_iran I spy a Snickers? ...my weakness.

One day I'd like to get a DEXA scan done to see where I'm at. You seriously look great and I agree with the others who said you might be too hard on yourself. You should be PROUD.
@anonymous_iran I admire that self control. An emergency snickers would last me half an hour probably lol. But it is my favourite fuel during long hikes, it does stuff to me that nothing else does. Stops hunger, gives me energy, doesn't make me bloated etc. It's my miracle food for outdoor activities.
@anonymous_iran Hey, lots better than my numbers! And I would not have thought you to be obese, either. (I'm morbidly obese, a label I resisted until I got my own DEXA scan last week. Unfortunately, my own scan was worse than BMI numbers.)
@anonymous_iran Thank you for sharing! And while I'm glad you see the need to improve your health, I have to say you still have an amazing body. It looks powerful!

If I can give you one piece of advice about dieting, it's this: meal prep. Each week, plan every bite that's going to go in your mouth: breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, pre and post-workout snack... Find recipes that are easy and don't suck. Lots of protein. You eat enough chicken breast and one little jelly bean starts to look like an absolute decadence. Include beer in your meal planning, at least as you start off, and it might make it easier to shove more chicken breast down your throat (I am SO DONE with chicken breast argggh but here I go putting more in the Crock pot...)

I've found that besides preventing me from grabbing something on the run that'll be way less healthy for me, meal prepping encourages me to stick to what I've made. I've spent money and time on the food, and I've already planned the calories, so I'm way less tempted to ruin that by ordering out or grabbing an extra snack. It happens, but rarely.

With a busy schedule it's easy to think that meal planning is too time-consuming, but it's not so long as you keep it simple. Just stay on top of it, and don't let a bad week stop you from getting back on track.

Okay, stepping off my soapbox.

You look great and you'll feel even better about yourself once you start working toward your goals. Please keep us updated on your progress :)
@drycleaner I appreciate all the advice from everyone, but it's not like I don't know how to meal prep or keep a diet and lose weight. I lost a good chunk of weight last year. It's just that I didn't care enough to do it recently. It's wasn't a lack of knowing how, it was a lack of caring. But I'm about to work on that :)
@anonymous_iran For what it's worth: I'm also 5'4, but 20F and 115 lbs. I love my figure right now, but I just started my 1lb-per-week bulk this week because I want to get thicker. I opened this thread, and my literal first thought was "Damn, I can gain 60 lbs and STILL look hot as hell!"

You sound like you're being super hard on yourself. Nursing school and a full time job is an absurdly difficult combination for anyone. r/eatcheapandhealthy is a cool sub, if you're looking for somewhere to check out. I'd also recommend a pressure cooker for fast, yummy, and easy rice/veggie prep, especially if you're low on time. There are tons of recipes online!!
@daniel77 It was a difficult semester, I will admit that. I have a history of being very hard in myself, which can definitely backfire, but it also pushes me to do what's needed a lot of times.

Is the pressure cooker the same as a crockpot? I hate cooking. Hate it.
@anonymous_iran Mannnnnn..!
Maybe there's hope for this black 5'6"/33F/185lbs girl with similar history to yours.

edit: Seriously, I am a taller, heavier version of you. I powerlift instead of crossfit, though.
@anonymous_iran Fitness isnt just a mathematical and physical thing, it is also a mental thing. These hurdles will only make you able to see what you need to overcome.

For what it is worth, I think you have a gorgeous figure that is only going to look more incredible the longer you are into your journey. And damn, dem arms are what I wish I could have. They look so lean and strong!

Keep us updated. You can do this! Every day will go by regardless, so keep making those healthy decisions.
@anonymous_iran In my experience, wake-up calls like these are the ones that cause you to make LASTING changes. For GOOD.

I had similar stats as you...I was 5'4, 190ish pounds. After my realization, I lost 70 pounds and have kept off every ounce for 12 years. Diet was by far the hardest part, but what made ALL the difference was planning and meal prep!

You can do it, girl!