5'4"//27F//177lbs DEXA Scan (36.5%Fat)

@dawn16 Definitely. Lifting helped me go through some Olympic-level mental gymnastics about my weight (I'm heavy, but a lot of it's muscle, so I don't need to lose weight), but seeing that a lot of it was actually fat put an end to that kind of thinking.

Also, losing 70 lbs and keeping it off for 12 years and counting is really awesome.
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@anonymous_iran Do you have a DEXA from before you started crossfit? From the sounds of it I would bet anything your lean mass has gone up. You'll be burning more calories as a result of having more muscle which will help when you start to tweak your diet. I have done crossfit before (currently considering going back but am currently so unfit that it's putting me off, haha) and it is HARD. So to do it so often is a great step in the right direction. I think you're doing awesome - keep up the good work!
@anniezhuminglan First, thank you! Dragging my ass there some days if tough but I do. It. This was my first scan and I really wish I had done one before. I know I have improved fitness wise over the summer, I just wish I had more to show for all my sweat. And there has been SO MUCH SWEAT.

Get back in it! Join me on the whiteboard!
@janisgodschild I googled DEXA scans plus my zip code and then plus my city. Turns out the local university has a "health risk assessment" program where you can get this or a bodpod done for free. They can also do your cholesterol, A1C(diabetes indicator), aerobic capacity/fit test, EKG, resting blood pressure, and a few other things.
@anonymous_iran Thanks for sharing! It's great you're getting a workout with a partner in, so good going there. It's pretty obvious that you need to clean up your food choices, but don't do anything drastic all at once because it just won't be sustainable with your hectic schedule.

Can you pick out a few small changes to make, like packing snacks for work, or getting into meal planning? There's lots of subreddits out there with great tips and tricks for eating healthy on the go.

Maybe consider maybe a list of small changes and add one every few weeks to start and see if you can keep them up. When you make one small change, the next is easier, and the next is east, and so on--snowball.

You want this for yourself, you deserve this for yourself, and I know you will accomplish what you put your mind and spirit into.
@jpccell Thank you for the suggestions. My bf and I rarely go to the gym together, actually. I really enjoy the other women who go, though. It's a nice little community.

I've made some changes over the summer. I no longer work nights, and I work part time. School just started but I can already feel the difference this has made. I'm going to try to come up with a plan tomorrow on my day off from class and work and see where I can make some lasting changes. I refuse to return to this place without a big improvement.

Thanks so much for your kind words :)