Diamond pushups use more chest than wide pushups (from a study that also examined standard, pseudo-planche and simplified Lalanne pushups)

@pet777 I’ve read that you can actually turn your hands outward instead of inward, still touching thumbs. It’s supposed to be better for you. It’s the way I do it and it is fine for me! It will keep elbows in as well.
@thomaslowrens While it is unsurprising that the biomechanically inferior exercise requires more muscular recruitment un-loaded, it isn't actually that helpful when it comes to creating a program. That is like comparing unloaded squats to unloaded pistol squats, of course the pistol squats are going to require more muscular recruitment, as you are training at a much higher percentage of your 1RM in that exercise. That doesn't mean that pistol squats are more effective at building strength and mass than traditional barbell squats.

If you want to compare them accurately, you would want to load the standard pushup enough that they have the same RM between diamond and standard pushups.

For example, if you can do 30 standard pushups, but only 12 diamond pushups, you would want to add load to standard pushups until you max out at 12 reps. That would be a significantly more helpful way to evaluate which form may be the most effective for building muscle.