Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

@wedemars I think it's because people have no idea what different weights actually look like. When I was considerably more active ( right after high school) I weighed 115 max. I always thought I needed to lose more weight ( which is so toxic now that I look back on it). I was less active time wise in years passing, but I added in more strength training. I looked my slimmest at one of my highest weights. I was just dense as fuck.
@wedemars It sounds like the “guilt” you feel is a lie told by other people/media/societal pressure. There’s no reason to listen to it. If you feel happy and healthy in your body, if you love the way you look, then you have no reason to change! You deserve to feel happy and be happy in your body!!! I’m so happy you found that.
@wedemars Yup! I used to want to be in the center/lower end of the healthy range for BMI so I was aiming for 130 (as a 5'6" woman) but I realized over the years that I honestly felt great anywhere in the 150s when I had an active lifestyle and was working out a lot. Climbed mountains on the weekends, ran triathlons and races, etc.

I honestly feel fine at any weight when I am working out a lot :) Now I'm up in the 180s due to 3 years of grad school + a year of covid, definitely a little heavier than I'd like to be and not as fast or strong as was before, but I am working out 4-5x a week again and making progress so I'm not sweating about it. I think body recomp is a huge thing that is totally different than gaining/losing weight. So if you are feeling good about yourself and your fitness level, f*** the BMI and the scale!
@wedemars I've more struggled with the fact that as a powerlifter I have to recognize my prior weights aren't going to help me achieve my goals. I'm incredibly discouraged by the number on the scale lately, even though my body composition is low and my lifts are getting high again.

Two years ago I weighed about 160. Then my parents had a sloppy divorce, I had a nervous breakdown, and then I injured my shoulder and had to do surgery. I ballooned up to 180. Then after beginning to work out again I put on another 10 and now hover around 190.

I'm only 5'4", AND I'm a personal trainer. This number is CRUSHING me. Idk what I'd do if I hit 200. But for some reason, despite everything I know, I can't seem to bring that number down below 184.

So I'm trying to learn to accept that I can be lean and strong at 180, achieve my goals, and still look defined & smoking hot.
@wedemars Me!!! For reference, I’m a shorty at 5 maybe even 5’1 depending on the day lol. At one point I got up to 138lbs and I felt so fabulous. I also was eating on schedule, every two hours to hit my macros. Eventually I got tired of chewing every few hours. I lost some of that weight and am now 130lbs. It isn’t the same and with the weather putting a damp of my gym routines, it’s honestly been brutal for me. However, I plan to get right back on it once spring hits and my garage gym is no longer freezing.
@wedemars It’s all about body composition and how you feel. Your goals should be about health and self confidence. If you feel good and you’re happy with what you’re doing? That’s fantastic. Start maintaining.
@wedemars I'm 5'4" 130lbs lifting and running and my mile time is almost a minute faster than when I was 118. 6:27 mile down to 5:35.

Weight doesn't tell the whole story. If you feel great you're not quitting, you just got to your goal earlier than expected. :)
@wedemars this thread is so interesting to read because i’ve never had this issue! i’ve always struggled with body dysmorphia and wanting to be smaller. i’m 5’4 as well and after a few years of working towards my health goals, got down to maintaining in the low 130s. i know this is a healthy weight but i still feel like i want to keep working on my body comp. recently, i got sick and lost 6 pounds. since then, i’ve gained back a few pounds but haven’t been able to work out yet. even at 127-128, i’m still not happy with my body. i think i’m sitting just below my natural set point since this is probably the fittest i’ve been in my adult life. not sure what my goal weight is or should be or whether i should just focus on gaining more muscle and recomping at this weight. that’s all to say, i think we know our bodies best and you should trust your cues that your body is happy and thriving where it’s at!
@wedemars Absolutely! I'm 5'5, gained weight from 130 up to 160 over couple years, and just could not seem to lose, trying to eat at a deficit just made me feel like crap and I would end up bingeing on junk. A couple months ago I decided to start focusing on weight lifting, and stop trying to lose lbs, and just try to swap fat for muscle while staying at the same weight. It is going so well! I've lost three inches off my waist without losing a single pound, I already feel like I'm approaching looking better at 160 than I ever did at 130 because back then I was just skinny fat with zero muscle tone; now I have actual shoulders instead of noodle arms and my waist is shrinking but my hips/butt aren't. Eventually I think I will try to get back down to under 145, but for now I'm eating at maintenance and it has completely halted my bingeing tendencies. I feel great and like I actually have energy and that feeling beats out seeing a certain number on the scale.
@wedemars I’m 5’5 and I was very comfortable at 147 lbs in September. I’ve gained about 10 lbs since then hoping to gain some muscle . I’m looking to get down to 145 lbs and stay there or even 150 if I like how I look at that weight. Either way through the past year I’ve been consistent with cardio and strength training 5-6 days a week and have adjusted my diet which is way healthier now. I’m trying not to be fixated on a number because that brings me to an unhealthy mind set haha
@wedemars I'm 28 and 5'4". I had lost a little over 50 pounds and was sitting at 128. At first I hated it because I lost my ass but worked out to get it back.

I am an essential worker so I continued to work and still managed to put on 10 pounds. I had been lifting weights and could tell by how my belt fit I had lost inches despite.

My ass is back in and I don't completely hate my body. Although, it is hard to not stress over arbitrary numbers. I also tend to stress eat.

Now I'm still at 138 but I don't notice much of a difference than when I was 10 pounds lighter.
@wedemars I’ve basically had the same thing happen. I’m 5’2 and was about 115 in college but I was mostly sedentary. I’m now about 125-130 and last time I was even as low as 120 it didn’t look healthy at all. You could count several ribs in my breast bone area.
@wedemars Okay so let me get this straight. You’re doing healthy things and you’re telling me, you like your weight?

Congrats! Then stay there! I’m so happy for you :)

As for the question, This happened to me once as well, About a year into lifting weights. I’m 5’5”, normally would have liked to be 125 but I actually find that 135 is now my new normal and I feel good here.
@wedemars Honestly yes. Gained about 10 kgs over the last 2 years, most of it in quarantine. Currently eating on a deficit to get back to a healthy bmi . I know bmi is rubbish if you lift but also I'm at a high risk of diabetes coz of my family history so I just have to be a bit careful. But honestly I think I look great haha. Sure I'd be happier with a slightly lower bodyfat percentage but for the first time in my life I don't really want to be any smaller. Never thought I'd be in a place where I can loose weight genuinely just for health reasons without spiraling into self hatred but here we are haha!!!
@wedemars Totally genuine!!! It's your body. As long as you are taking care of it & happy with it, that's what matters. Especially because the number on the scale is... just a number, ya know? Look at the progress pics that people post with a 0-5 lb weight difference. Muscle weighs more than fat, and if that means you never meet your goal weight because you love your look, then so be it!

Shoutout to you for being happy and changing your goals. Not a cop-out in the slightest on your end. :)
@wedemars I had my doctor tell me I was borderline overweight and during that time I was at 130lbs at 5’4 but I was very into weight training during that time. I didn’t look unhealthy or anything of the sort so I stopped eating as much and went back down around 125lb but I also stopped weight training during that time due to COVID and didn’t have the need to eat as much to keep my muscles around. As a result I wasn’t as happy with myself and how I looked. So I went back to weight training and pushed myself harder than before and now I’m aiming for 140lbs because I definitely want to lift more and just to feel all around stronger and as a result I’m more happy about my body image. Just do what makes you feel happy! As long as you do it in a healthy way it should be fine.