Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

@wedemars I'm at this point myself. I carry my weight disproportionately on my bottom half and for a long time I hated it. I always wanted to lose weight to make myself more proportional.

Then I started lifting weights and I noticed that as I gained muscle on my arms and back, it balanced out my bottom. So I started eating more and training more. Then I noticed that as I gained muscle on my legs, the shape started to change such that I didn't mind the extra fat. Like, I realized that it wasn't my size that I was unhappy with before, it was my shape.

I still sometimes look in the mirror and think "I'd look great if I lost 10lbs." But I also think I look great now, as I am. So for the time being I'm happy to keep eating and keep training. Eventually I'll reach a point where I'll feel the need to cut, but I don't see that happening for a few months at least. Maybe this summer, depending on how everything goes.
@crosslogos7118 I could have written your first couple paragraphs myself. My legs and butt are slightly smaller than when I first started losing weight but I'm still thicc, as the kids say. That used to bother me but, now that my upper body is more muscular and my shoulders are wider, my lower body is proportional and I actually really like the way it is now.

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