Did I ruin my V Shape

@qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn I mean, there’s Eddy Hall. He’s got a huge, thick core and a surprisingly small amount of it seems to be fat. I’m sure some of it is, but the vast majority of that is muscle from training his core so he can have the stability to deadlift and squat about half a ton.

You won’t get that from body weight exercises, running, swimming, or anything short of the intense strongman training he and people like him do, but it’s technically possible.
@robbvii also, doing a lot of cardio will not target your obliques. if yoi stop doing ob excercises, they will atrophy quickly, in a few months
@robbvii honestly? i would still do the russian twist because its a crucial rotational movement that would otherwise be missing. do that often and do not do them to failure, then you wont see hypertrophy after a certain point.
@robbvii My friend, men care sooo much more about body shape than women. If you want to pull all the ladies, your best bet is to work on developing a good personality and decent grooming habits. I promise you, a clean cut, interesting and sweet guy with a dad bod is leagues sexier than a shallow IG fuckboy. Lean into feminism, empathy, and finding a passion. Can be anything. My partner is really into knives. Do I give the slightest shit about them? No. But his passion and delight in his hobby makes him so hot!
@robbvii good luck getting obliques that big lmao. you want some development there. you can just stop working them and maintain/allow them to regress. i went hard on obliques when younger and now I do no direct work for them but theyre still visible and it really frames the abs. they hardly added any width to my waste. the also add width to your ribcage so it kinda equals out.

you can also get them strong but not big via low rep one hand deadlifts(like between the legs or bar in front of shins). Reps of 5 and below arent good for hypertrophy but are good for strength. one hand deads will also get you pretty yoked and strengthen the tendons of the upper back, shoulders, and arms. itll also make your QL muscles stronger which is important imo as a QL strain will put you out for weeks.

if you want that V taper do pullovers. works better if youre young and still growing, but you can stretch out cartillaginous tissue in the ribs and literally widen the ribcage. pullovers are also just a banging lat exercise and increase overhead mobility.
@shelives4him Sure ! I'm doing Woodchoppers on cable - 4 -6 sets both sides. and then I follow this:

Its a REALLY HARD one, the side planks. You gotta do it non stop. In the end , I do pistol twists with leg lifted up instead of russian twist.
@robbvii The v-waist you see on instagram is often achieved by standing feet to the side and then rotating the torso towards the camera. Obviously muscle mass and being shredded helps.

Obliques look rad and really help frame your abs which is aesthetic as hell