Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

@cz1611 I don't really have a problem with it at all. Personally I always felt that if I were touchy about this then I my self am being sexist.

We are different people with different ideas and different views. He said he doesn't view it as being misogynistic. As such I simply see it as him not havening very good communication skills.

This is basically his way of saying harden up. Try trying. Stop being soft. It's a mind set.

My way of incorperating this is... By not being sensitive to poorly explained ideas.
@tim_h Can you either genatalia for that and either way some one would be offended. Yes he could have chosen better wording but he was trying to get a point across via a story. Do you really believe he views women gentatalia as weak given that he has a wife and kids? Do you really think his wife thinks he was intentionally trying to be sexist or misogynistic? Just seems like people are overly sensitive to me.

No one can control how any one chooses to interpret or understand any thing. We all choose how we respond.
@jesmith0401 And saying he is sexist because you choose to interpret something a certain doesn't make him sexist either. Show me an action. Words can be interpreted in many ways.
@tim_h Sure did. I got the joke. Didn't find it funny as a point. People wanna be offended about him using vag but you can make a "joke" like that and not get the same treatment? Seems... Hypocritical to me so... I responded.
@pajamasam777 When someone says “you’re being a pussy” or “don’t be a pussy” i thank them, and say “pussies are fucking strong. They push out bowling ball sized humans. Now stop being such a scrotum. THAT’s a weak body part.”

I got to use this at work the other day. If they want to talk pussies at work, it should be just as appropriate to say scrotum.