Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

@yommie I think 133lbs has been the lowest weight I've reached. I'm currently resting in the mid 140lbs (5'2"), and am perplexed by that weight since I don't look as though I've gained weight. I don't measure myself. I know I struggled a bit with "quarantine eating" but I'm not terrible. I workout 5-6 times per week, and eat fairly properly, so I don't fucking know. I don't think I'll ever get below 130lbs.
@yommie I cut alcohol for 30 days and was able to shake my pesky 5lb that I could never lose. Now I have a new number that I get stuck at... might try the alcohol cleanse again!
@yommie Ugh, I’m 42 and the same. I’m totally static at 57-58kg and my ideal (where I feel I look my best) is 54. I know how to get there but, man! I just love carbs and sweets too much :(

So, yeah. It’s not working out, it’s diet that does it, as you probably already know. My advice is to eat cleanly as possible, lower your simple carb, sugar and processed food intake (I’d knock anything ‘packaged’ on the head right away) and you’ll lose the extra couple of kilos fairly quickly.
@yommie I am 5,7 and my body really likes being 130lbs(60kg), after a very stressful time in my life I dropped down to 120 and then stayed there for almost a year. But when things calmed down my weight went back to 130 in like 2months and my diet really didn't change. I look nice at this weight, but have a little more fat than I would like so I have shifted my focus to trying to re comp my body which is going OK. It can be annoying when your body won't really respond to dieting, but it is also nice to know my body doesn't really like to gain weight past this weight either.
@yommie My age and workout routine is basically the same as yours. I weigh 58-59 kg now and am 5’7”. Dropped 1-2 kg over the last 1.5 years without really trying. I don’t have a scale at home but weighed myself at the gym after my clothes stopped fitting. Here’s how:
  1. Apple Watch. Forced me to meet minimum goals every day. I walk more. My husband lost 25 lb when he got his watch.
  2. Alcohol off limits except on the weekend. Empty calories. I often workout in the evening so it just made sense.
Good luck to you!
@yommie My resting point is somewhere between 145-150 lbs. In all the calculus, my "ideal weight" would be about 130-135. I have not in my adult life been that weight, even when I was going through a major depressive bout and self-medicating with hour-long cardio sprints and not eating (that did get me to about 140, though!). If I work out more, I tend to put on more muscle, which then negates any "weightloss" numbers (but does improve my belly numbers).

I figure I could probably get there, but I'd need to substantially change my life to do it: cut out carbs, cut out alcohol, likely kick my 4-day-a-week gym habit to 6, minimum. Being 135 would be nice, but that's not my lifestyle. That said, I am working to get back to 145 rather than the 152 I'm currently cruising at.