Does anyone else feel a “duty” to be fit to disprove “soyboy” myths?


New member
I have been Vegan for about 4 years now and have dealt with my fair share of crap from guys I know including the classics- “oh you’ll grow boobs in no time!”, “your testosterone with plummet”, and (of course) “whErE dO yOu GeT yOuR pRoTeIn”. Nothing gets me going more than the idea of getting shredded and making them eat their words. Anyone else have similar motivators?

Edit: getting a lot of “why do you care what others think”. And for 99% of the things in my life I certainly agree. I also believe that Veganism is one of the defining issues of my time and I have a duty to not only be Vegan myself but to try my best to convince others to be Vegan. I force myself to engage with others on the issue because if I can convince even one person to go Vegan I have doubled my impact.
@kirkhaggerty Yes! I definitely use that as motivation, especially on days when people run their mouths about "lack of nutrients and protein," like sorry Brenda your lunchable isn't as well balanced as you think it is
@dawn16 The best is when someone who is obviously very unhealthy still thinks they’re healthier than you because they eat meat… It’s like dude, you’re eating Slim Jim’s and Cinnabons for breakfast every day and you smoke cigs.
@kirkhaggerty It's not the sole reason for my motivation, but it's one of many.

Im now way more jacked than any of my meat eating friends but now they say. "You accomplished all that being vegan, think what you could have done if you ate meat"!

Like dude, I've explained to you 20 times that you can get every nutritent on a vegan diet as you can eating meat, I'm light years more jacked than you but you still just dont get it.

Can't win with delusion people, sometimes they are just willfully ignorant and won't accept the facts if it slapped them in the face.
@kirkhaggerty Absolutely. My mom used to complain a lot that "veganism is unhealthy" and "you look like a skeleton". I've since gained 19 pounds, mostly muscle, and look and feel better than ever.

Today my mom found out she has dangerously high blood pressure, and I'm giving her advice on starting a plant-based diet...oh how the turntables!
@kirkhaggerty yeah it's my main drive to be consistent, but mostly coming from a place of activism rather than being right, if that makes sense?

I truly believe that being healthy is the best (and easiest) activism vegans can do. While it's sad, a lot of people will only make changes if it benefits them. That's why the plant based diet is arguably more effective as a tool to reduce animal suffering.

As you mentioned there's so many negative stereotypes and misinformation about vegans. And we play our part at addressing these through example. The bigger the community of fit and healthy vegans, the more mainstream will get onboard.
@picox25 I'm motivated to get fitter so I can be a walking advert for eating plant based. Again, not my sole motivation by any stretch but I feel hypocritical telling people it's a great lifestyle whilst brushing away crisp crumbs from my top.

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