Does body recomposition actually work?


New member
I’ve been consistently working out since August (2-3x a week) following a lifting program. I also walk around 3-5 miles a day. I’ve been eating at maintenance (a few days over a few under to balance if I need to but generally around 1500) and eating around 75 g of protein. My lifts have been getting stronger and I still get sore after every workout lol.

My goal was to build strength but also to recomp. I want to have a flatter or more toned stomach but I don’t really have weight to lose (bc I don’t want to lose my thighs or butt in fact I’d love to get them bigger). My measurements are all the same but my weight is up two pounds since I started being consistent.

I feel like this is so pointless does recomping actually work and if so do I need to do something different? I figured the weight gain is due to water retention as I’m at maintenance but exercising which requires water to heal the torn muscle fibers since my measurements are all the same.
  • Stats: 5’0 109 pounds (previously 107) 25 in waist, 36 in hips, 28 in belly (at biggest part below belly button)
@_marc97 Are you on any hormonal birth control? Hormones play a huge role in fat distribution and body composition. Not sure why no one considers this. After being on bc for months, I gained a lot of weight primarily in the abdomen. This was despite being on a diet, eating high protein and consistently training cardio and resistance especially. Once I came off, my body rebounded for a few months. Then suddenly everything became so much easier (periods i.e. ovulation, became regular again) and diets actually started working. I lost inches on my stomach. The only real change was the hormonal birth control. So, you can be doing everything "right" but sometimes you are running in place due to unforseen Metabolic factors.
@_marc97 Years later

But for the past year and a half I been going maintenance on workout days, 300-500 deficit otherwise while always hitting 165 protein a day

I've completely transformed myself from skinny fat and probably 30% BF to around 18 to 20 but way more toned

I went from 199 to 172 then 183ish for a while but completely better looking 183 to what I was 8-9 years ago
@worthyvessel I’m going to give your system a go! I’ve on week 15 of an 18 week cut, and while my body fat has dropped quite a lot (29.4% -> ~22.5%), I’ve realized I won’t end as toned as I want to be because the muscle isn’t being fed. I lift, run, and do Pilates. Do you have any advice for someone copying your strategy? Thank you!!
@ryhami Protein shakes/fairlife milk 30g

300ml egg whites with veggies etc 30g

Protein bar 21g

The rest is lunch and supper with chicken, beef, pork or fish, usually can easily get 40 to 50 in each
@_marc97 I gained 6 pounds muscle and lost 5 pounds of fat in last month due to DEXA scan result. I was surprised because I took 2 weeks off last month for vacation and diet was not strict as usual. I train everyday for about 2 hours (weight lift only, no cardio) and have a low carb, moderate fat and high protein diet.
@_marc97 Yes, but as others point out, it's very slow. In six months, I lost just over 9lbs of fat and gained just over 5lbs of lean mass (per DEXA scans) -- lifting with progressive overload, eating plant-based protein, reducing empty calories. I didn't have a lot of actual weight to lose, and my primary goals were behavioral/strength/health rather than weight/aesthetics.

I wanted to make sustainable life changes, and the recomp is a byproduct of that.
@_marc97 Recomp has worked for me for sure, I weight about the same as a year ago but am much trimmer with bigger butt and quads. The one thing that pushed me from being stagnant (which I was for months) to actually seeing results was eating more, like 400+ calories more, with focus on high protein, less sugar. I went from 1500-1600 cal to 1900-2300 depending on the day and activity level, mostly stick around 2100 tho.
@_marc97 I don’t understand the comments that say to eat more. If OP has truly gained two pounds (and not just water weight fluctuations), then she is already at a slight surplus. I do agree that more protein would be beneficial.

Recomping is a slow, ongoing process. You will see changes over time, but probably not much change in three months. Be patient. Be consistent.
@kagenonikki It’s because when you’re already thin not eating enough can prevent progress in terms of muscle gain. People are thinking the 2lbs is water weight. Since she maintained her weight eating that much without exercise she can’t be in a surplus.
@darcylbridge I’m not entirely convinced that the 1500 calories OP is reporting is correct. I also doubt that OP is still holding 2 lbs of water since August. If she is maintaining her weight, then she is at maintenance.