Doing a lot of sports, but I don’t feel very fit/endurance is trash?

@roland7777 If you could be an elite athlete just playing the sport, you wouldn’t have coaches devoted to strength training and conditioning. You’re going to plateau at just the level of energy your body needs to do the thing. So you need to go even more intense in your training to build a bank of power and endurance to put you above that threshold.
@roland7777 That’s a LOT of activity, you’re probably tired. I’d also look into getting bloodwork done during a physical to see if you have an iron deficiency. That’s what happened to me at your age and I had to start eating a ton of spinach to feel healthy again.

Iron from my understanding carries oxygen throughout the body, if you’re deficient, you’ll get tired really quick and have low stamina.

Also, I’d consider diet overall. You’re probably going to need to eat a lot more than you’d think to cover your 15 year old body and all of the activity.
@liljohnnymac Came here to say this! Took me a long time to figure out the nutrition component when I was a high school athlete. Anemia is common in adolescent girls, definitely worth getting checked out, as is your vitamin D level (can’t absorb the calcium you need without adequate vitamin D). I also wasn’t getting enough protein in high school. Your primary care provider can refer you to a dietician as well as the bloodwork to help you dig into your specific nutritional needs to help you feel better and maximize performance (and ensure long term health as well- look into female athlete triad from inadequate calorie intake). Also don’t underestimate the importance of getting enough sleep!
@roland7777 I wish I knew more about nutrition as a high school and college athlete. People are saying this already in the thread but sleep and eating protein made a HUGE difference for me. And rest days of course. Obviously I'm obsessed with protein now, it's literally my reddit name but can't stress it enough. You're young enough that you should be able to play sports daily with good food, sleep, rest habits. Also being in High School is EXHAUSTING in itself. Eat some hamburgers stop looking at your phone before bed and don't be too hard on yourself! Good for you for being so active.
@roland7777 Seems like you're biting off a bit too much than you can chew. Remember to have some days off training, have an actually nutritious diet rich in protein, and replace one of the activites with strength training that would help you build some actual muscle. Quality sleep (min. 8 h) is also a must so the muscles can regenerate and grow bigger -- people tend to forget that factor when trying to make progress.

As a sidenote, you don't need to push yourself too far as you're still growing. Overexerting yourself like this is a straight way to injury.

Good luck!
@roland7777 Might be worth checking your iron/hemoglobin levels checked. You’re at an age where periods can be irregular and cause significant blood loss.

When my iron is low my cardio takes a hit and I never get an adrenaline rush from exercise.
@roland7777 What are you eating along you day? This is very important since a great amount of exercise needs a great amount of calories. Is normal you feel tired while training a lot in a deficit calorie diet.

I recommend you go to a nutritionist so he can make an alimentar planning. If not, there’s plenty content of diet on bodybuilding and fitness on internet. Teaching about how many of protein, carbohydrates, fat and fibers you should eat.

Doing that not only your performance you explode but also you gonna be a better life quality. For example:

You consuming what needs of protein (2g per kg corporal or 1 lb per pound, approximately) Your skin, nails and especially hair will be better since you’re providing the protein necessary for it. Your muscle will find an ideal place to grow also.

Protein comes from greek Prōtos that means first. Protein is like a brick for every construction your body are going to make.

A protein is like a line, a conjunction of amino acids that after consumed it will be broken and the body will readjust for where it goes. Like i said, your hair has a different structure of your muscle that have a different structure of the protein that goes inside.

After your body has the amount necessarily for basic functions, he will start to build muscle.


I don’t need to say how important is water for you life in general. You body is something like 80% water and you not consuming the ideal is like 😳. After a long time don’t consuming the enough amount of water, you start to have symptoms of hang over. Headaches, stress, …

The amount of water recommended is something like 30 - 50 ml per kg. Is your case i recommend 50 ml. So something about 2750 ml in a day.


And carbohydrates and fats are very important because they will be the principal font of energy, more carbs than fat. Fat will have more a hormone factor production than energy in general. I recommend 1g fat per kg.

Don’t forget of fibers, it is very important for your intestine healthy. Always consume fruits and oats and legumes.

I recommend you take multivitamins. In your case you could be felling not so up because specially of lack of iron. That helps in production of hemoglobins (red cells) that transport oxygen in the body. This is my case.

For it’s strange, always when i start taking multivitamin for like 10 days and one day i forget, my body kind of have a slow down. I fell all day long tired. May have something to do with the enzymatic production.

PS: Please, when you stope doing this much of exercise, i pray for not but if there is a time when this happen, control your calories on diet. Much people eat like an voracious lion when training like hell but they stop because of this and that but continues to eating like before. This is when they got fat and get depressed. And they don’t comeback to gym because they are depressed so it’s like an infernal cycle.

Sorry for any grammar mistake.

TL, DR: It can have started with several and different points. First, look at your calories you consume and spend in training and basic functions. i recommend you see a nutritionist, if you have money, or search in internet for diet videos. In special bodybuilding channels. Those of that huge guys. Dieting and training are two of the primarily pillars of bodybuilding and that these guys know how to do well.

If you have any doubt about how start or anything send me and PM.

ETA: How long you are with this routine? Maybe you don’t gave time for your body to adapt.

And, here i genuinely want to know, being so active and with, probably, so low body fat, how is your menstruate cycle? You can manage it or you pass months without menstruate?

I’m asking this because i know some girls, friends of mine, that when they are preparing for a competition of dance they train so much and are with such a low body fat that they simply pass all that period not menstruating. One friend of mine in special get something like 4-6 months without menstruate in hers 16.

I think this could be a signal of the own body. something like “god dam bish, you don’t have energetic reserve for you, how you gonna protect your kid? no no no, you will get free of pms and all” And they really don’t get all pms symptoms like colic and humor moods wave.

Sorry bad english, it’s not my first language
@roland7777 Damn, you asked the question I did not even know I had.
I am also super passionate about a lot of things that I try to integrate into my week as my as I can. I am training 2-3 hours a day and my recovery days are a few hours walk minimum.
On top of that, I have been focused on cutting weight slowly. My workouts are so shit these days, and I feel like I cant match the output of a few weeks ago.

That being said, I will focus on taking a full recovery day once a week, with max 10k steps and some stretching. I hope you find your balance too. Cheers to you mate!
@roland7777 It definitely takes time to build endurance.

In my opinion it is a thing you just to be patient eat well and rest well so you can keep training to build more endurance
@roland7777 I am a teenager too (male). I play rugby in England and my school is famous for making rugby players like Owen Farrell. I do body weight fittness too and I’m about to turn 15. I got some crazy goals I never expected to achieve and train a lot of cardio too. The main thing I can say is eat soo much food. You are doing puberty so you need more. AND you are doing that much sport. Many girls I know eat like nothing despite doing sport, I would suggest that you probably aren’t eating enough unless you are stuffing your face.

Also sleep

Also can you ditch PE?

Try taking a rest weak I do that every half term or so. It’s really really important. When you have no energy, feel tired, muscles hurt then you NEED to rest more. You can tell your coach you need to take a week off or say you are sick and take the rest you need
@roland7777 You need to drop at least two of your other sports so you can recover, plain and simple. Basketball you could keep if you just do shooting workouts.

Make sure you’re consuming enough calories, and getting at least 8 hours of sleep.
@emebet You don’t only punch and get punched in the face in boxing training… sparring is light at that age and only actually bouts is it full contact. They will also be wearing gloves and headgear. Completely safe.

Rugby is the same. I’ve played for 20 years and had one clash of heads of any significance.
@beaud20 I’ve been going to boxing gyms my whole life and I’m really intelligent with no loss of brain function AND I’m really intelligent with no loss of brain function and my brain is totally fine and I’m inter legent with no loss of brain