Doing a lot of sports, but I don’t feel very fit/endurance is trash?

@roland7777 If I may ask, and it’s totally fine if you don’t want to answer for personal reasons - but has your menstration started? I remember reading a health article that doing a lot of physical exercises may delay the start of your period.
@roland7777 Couple things.

Firstly if you take a break from everything for a week and recover I guarantee your first training you will feel like you will feel fresh and like you can run faster than ever.

Secondly diet is important when you’re doing that much exercise. You need a LOT of carbs and a decent amount of protein.

Thirdly you might find you’re simply going to your limit consistently but you’re not taking into account that your limit is changing. Eg your run speed might be faster, you might jog between plays at times when you used to walk, you might be running further in total etc.
@roland7777 First of all, you are 15, so take it very easy, and take everything that comes from people like me (who have zero experience with how sports physiology works in your age group) with a large pinch of salt.

I don’t feel quite as fit/conditioned as I think I should be.

How did you measure this? RPE? If you start measuring things more precisely, it will help to change a general feeling into a more passing one, and will also help with finding the causes of the issue.

I don’t feel my endurance and stamina ramping up from the activity

Same question -- what's your benchmark here?

I’m wondering if this may be due to fatigue/overtraining, or simply because I’m not putting in enough effort into the workouts.

Most likely the first, which can be fixed with better recovery (sleep, sleep, sleep, drinking more water, eating more and better food).