Doing the RR twice a week for 6+ years: a review (average guy, 32yo)

@egspirit Also, what is the BW-App? Went looking for it in the RR link and came up empty.

I've been following this sub for over a month, and never seen mention of either RR or the BW-App before; Its like some redditors forget the mobile version of the site exists, and not everyone joins a sub expecting homework.
@d2west Yeah, I should've made that clear (will edit it soon). There is an App called "Bodyweight Fitness" (green logo) that still has the "old" version of the RR. I'm using the one you gracefully linked right now, which has the "new" RR.
@egspirit Do you supplement other activities in lieu of a third day? I've been desiring dropping down to two days only because I want to do other things, and the third day somehow prevents me from ever doing anything else...
@dawn16 Good question, I've thought long about that myself. I participate in a weekly volley session over lunch, which is my "soul food". And I try to hike as much as possible. But I don't substitute it properly and I can't seem to be able to slot it in...
@egspirit That's awesome that you found something you liked, and have been able to stick with it. My issue with the RR long term is that it lacks variety. The progressions are great, but there really isn't much variation in HOW you are challenging the muscle groups. That's a big part of why people stagnate, because if you only do certain exercises, you only get good at those exercises.
@soccercoach Yeah, that's true. My GF does various forms of Yoga and I feel like she profits of those very much. For me, though, the simplicity of the RR is what makes it shine - I don't have to think, I just do it and it "works". Not much second-guessing and adjusting. I really love the "routine" part of it ;)
@egspirit Routine is great if it gets you to consistently exercise, or really to do anything that benefits your health. So I'm all for it as an alternative to not exercising. But doing the same routine for years really minimizes your improvement. That's my main issue with the RR.
@egspirit This is very inspiring. I started the bodyweight primer in July and try to do it every day. Now I'm almost strong enough to do the RR.
@egspirit I know I'm way behind, but I found this post really inspiring. Mainly because my attitude towards fitness and RR is the same as yours. I'm only a few months in, and I'm progressing really slowly. But happy the way it is, because I get this shit actually done 3x a week.
@egspirit This thread was my first impression the RR, been training 3times a week ever since! (Last October) first time I ever been training this consistently! In this thread I learned that it’s all about the mindset, now I dont care (too much) about reps or weights but more about acctually getting my ass to the gym and working out. bless u all, greetings from Göteborg, Sweden.
@egspirit 6 years?! Dude, you should move onto another routine. Woulda made sick progress. The RR is for beginners. Doing it for 6 years would render it useless. You're just doing the same easy workout. With no progressive overload. It's probably child's play for you now.