Dr. Gregor says not to consume over 25 grams of soy protein per day. What are your thoughts?

@rtmtigwelder4472 No, he and his team deliberately pick and choose studies and quotes from studies to paint a narrative for their ideology.

There was literally a time where he was "quoting" a study which was listing some beneficial foods (I think for omega 3), and his video blatantly erased/whited out fatty fish from the list. It's a deliberate misquote to paint a narrative about plant based diets.

Edit: Found the proof.
@dillon2009 There are hundreds of thousands of papers online (counting all languages), no one can read all of them. Also, there are ways to rapidly discard certain studies.

Are you not vegan? Either way, so far for the hundreds of his videos I saw, that never happened. And even if it did, the sources are in the same site. Why would you believe anyone?, DYOR: do your own research.

I talked a lot about veganism throughout the years, and talk with facts about the benefits and put a lot of facts and data into it, I will not go the extra mile to say all the facts from more than 7 animals, specially when it is not necessary, as one can be 100% vegetarian + morals + ethics= vegan.

Ps: still in many videos I saw, if yogurt or other animal product was in the comparison, he would still mention it, and still plants win.

Ps2: it’s been proven why omegas from fish and fish oil are not beneficial and even bad for humans, compared to plant source.
@rtmtigwelder4472 You don't need to read them all, systematic reviews exist for a reason lmao.

Ah well if you never noticed the deliberate misquote/white out about fish then obviously it never happened. It's not like you would have to actually read the original study to find what was whited out. "I watched hundreds of his videos and read none of the original sources, and I found zero misquotes". Wow, shocker!

I am vegan. Veganism is not about health, it's about ethics. Your whole foods plant based ideology does not logically follow from rejecting animal abuse and commodification.
@dillon2009 I’m vegan vegan too brother/sister, when I talk about science, I say plant based because veganism is not a diet, well, you know.

Did you even correctly read what I wrote?
So if you and I are vegan vegan, why are you being aggressive brother/sister? Why does it bother you that Gregor doesn’t talk about fish?
@rtmtigwelder4472 Because using misinformation to promote veganism is bad. Presumably you and I would agree that we want people to not only stop eating animals but also stay vegan. This means that convincing people using misleading information or biased sources is not a reliable strategy. It may make someone go plant based temporarily, but suppose later down the line they find out the deliberate cherry picking that was done to advance the WFPB ideology. This doesn't seem ideal for keeping folks from eating animals. Instead, if we focus on the good arguments for veganism (ethics), and not the misinformation about WFPB, there is more probability of the person staying vegan. Good arguments are a better long term strategy compared to biased sources and misinformation.
@dillon2009 You have a great point, thank you for saying it.
It’s just sad that he would do that, it could do a lot of damage in the future for unstable “vegans”.

My main arguments for people are about ethics, as those create real vegans, the health part came as a nice bonus.
@morningfireeater Why is it funny if you have been vegan for longer than me? That’s great if it is the case. I wish I was vegan since conception, yes. But that is not my case, I was exposed at a certain point in time, and became vegan since then (literally the beginning of 2015).

Are you going to tell us why you laughed at the omegas and fish statement? Or are you just enjoying yourself and wasting our time? I don’t get why would you not want more union between us vegans, but well.
@rtmtigwelder4472 He and his team claim HRT is bad for women's health, that's nonsense. Promoting this idea is damaging to women's health and wellbeing, and the opposite of what the research shows.

I'm not against Gregor.
@mannygee HRT improved my life. Greger also scare mongers about creatine. Will take this info as a grain of salt until more doctors warn about soy overconsumption!