Enter the kettlebell


New member
Hi guys n gals, I have been attempting to do the rite of passage from enter the kettlebell.

I did the 5x5 with the 16kg/35lb and so have just moved onto the 20kg/44lbs as Sensai Tsatsouline instructed.
I can't do more than 2 reps in a ladder, is this normal and you just keep using the 20kg until you make progress?

Also what physical results did you see, my shoulders may have gotten slightly broader since starting this a few months ago but other than that I am not seeing this fighters physique the book says it can deliver.

I am a fan of it so far, I'm just wondering if I'm not being patient enough or if there is something I'm not doing correctly. I'd like to stick with it until I can press half my weight but that feels a long way off.

I'd be very interested in hearing from people who have completed the challenge and their thoughts on how their body changed.

For reference, novice to this, 30yo male, 5'9, 130lbs skinny fat body composition.


Edit: thanks for all the feed back people, I'll re read through what you've all said and pick which I feel is appropriate. I will definitely start to eat more as that came up a couple of times.
Thanks again all😀
@roboryan 5'9" 130lbs is skinny. Might be worth sharing a picture of yourself bc skinny fat at that weight is kinda hard to imagine.

FWIW RoP isn'tan ideal program for building muscle. If your main goal is physique, I'd look to beginner barbell programs (eg starting strength) or maybe grind style calisthenics from Matt Schifferle. RoP doesn't have a squat and swings aren't the best for building muscle bc fast contractions don't allow for max tension in the muscle on account of the force-velocity relationship. If you include the pull ups, RoP is decent, but pretty far from optimal.

Sets of 1, 2, 3 aren't the best bang for your training time to build muscle. 5-20 is the sweet spot.
@roboryan Eat more and start doing the singles with the 20kg and the rest with 16, gradually adding doubles and triples with the 20 when you feel ready.
@roboryan You can use the 20 kg for the first and second rungs, then switch to the 16 kg to finish the ladder. Add a 3rd rung (then 4th, then 5th) with the 20 kg as you progress. Push pressing the 20 kg may also be useful when you gas out since you'll still get a nice strong negative lowering the bell. Eat well and soon you'll be using a 24 kg!
@juancarlos Ok see I can do 5x 1,2,3,4,5 with 16, which is why I moved to the 20, but can only do 2x 1,2 with it. I'll try eating more to see if that helps like you said.
@roboryan Just go again even if you can do it. I am not saying start ROP from the beginning--just back down a bit and build up again. Perhaps go 2 to 6 instead of 1 to 5.
@roboryan I'm 176 cm tall and weigh 96 kg. I'm pretty thick and kinda fat. Ive started running and foing jettles (16kg). i do swings, clean and presses and snatches. And let me tell you my whole body got thicker (especially the back and shoulders, but my core has also gotten way steonger (and more muscular). Same thing happened to my legs.

This Routine is the fastest towards progress than everything I've ever tried b4
@roboryan Dan John and a lot of others recommend moving to Rite of Passage after you complete Simple in S&S. sounds like this is a way off for you...would be better to do the pressing program after you get the bulletproof shoulders. Be patient, just do it everyday like brushing your teeth, and don't worry about it. Your time will come!