F25, 5'3'', 135lb, GW: 125lb. Looking for similar MFP ladies for accountability! (x-post in /r/LoseitBuddies)

@legendforlife I'm 5'3" and I started at 125 lbs and 32% bf. I finally saw a nutritionist and she taught me alot about food! Especially hidden fats and sugars. In 4 months I dropped to 15% bf. I ate 1600 Cal a day which she did say might be been more than I needed for my size but I was active. I'm not at all athletic but I did cardio, doing Tabata sprints dropped the weight faster but my diet was the big difference. Maybe 1200 Cal is too hard to stick to in long term goals. Especially if you plan on working out your body needs fuel. I started with 4 oz of protein and a starch plus vegetables. But that was a peronalize plan for me it may be different for you. I also eat 6 times a day as well. Stick to lean meats like turkey chicken shrimp and sometimes tuna or tilapia. Even if you eat bread make sure it's only 2 slices plus low in sugar. I'm not a nutritionist but it's what worked for me. I highly recommend seeing one. Mine does see clients over skype and is amazing so if you want her info please inbox me. After trying calorie counting and different diets for several years this was the only thing that worked! I tell you all this because I don't want you to have to waste time like I did! Best of luck in your weight loss goals!
@legendforlife 5'4" here! Currently at 155 trying to get to 140. I went from 175-140 on 1200 cal/day a few months back but I got sloppy and started gaining (and also started lifting). I would love some friends for accountability! My username is cms9285!

How do I join the group? When I click on the link it just goes to the generic group search page.
@charlie3rivers just added you :) I made the group private trying to make it a bit cozier. But it seems to make the whole thing dissapear so i'll make it public again XD Plz check out the short rules! Glad to have you on board :)
@virtuevirtuous Well if it helps you, I really don't mind. I am not trying to be strictly exclusive anyways.

Why don't you go ahead and start a 5'5''+ club?? You tall ladies are gorgeous :) But I'm sure our bodies don't always work the same way lol
@legendforlife I'm 5'4 and started around 140-142 after having 2 kids. I finally just broke down to 132-135 (dang you fluctuations lol). I reduced my calories to be around 1200-1400 because I feel like it's about how much I eat when I stick with eating when I'm hungry. I don't exercise like I should but I'm working on it and trying to get motivated. I'm wanting to be around 125 and stronger :). I'll message you my MFP. If anyone else wants to be friends on there let me know :)