Finally happy with my body and diet and I’m clinically overweight

@judenshabbot I think you've already addressed this in another comment but according to your weight and height your BMI is 24.2 which is healthy. A BMI of > 25 is overweight.

You look great, btw.
@judenshabbot You should in this case definitely not use the scale as a measurement. You don't need to lose weight for your health. And by the way, even if you look at your BMI you're in the normal range.
@judenshabbot BMI is really not the best way to measure your health. If you Google "BMI inaccurate", you'll get plenty of results explaining why. Don't get discouraged with what the scale tells you!

Numbers shouldn't determine your happiness.
@judenshabbot Seen from other comments that you realised your calculations were wrong but please for the love of all that is good and holy just DON'T spend your life thinking BMI is always, or even sometimes, accurate when it comes to measuring health. Having a lot of muscle and lower amounts of fat can push your BMI right up, that measurement system is outdated is fuck.
@judenshabbot You look 100% healthy and if you’re not concerned about how you feel or look, i would not stress the number on the scale. BMI measurements are not always an indicator of your health. It sounds like you’re doing great!
@judenshabbot First of all. American doctors do not get trained on how to be healthy. They are trained to address symptoms. How do they do that? Put you on pharm drugs. The absolutely LAST place I would look to for any health advice around diet and exercise is Western doctors. Are food system is filled with garbage and chemicals. Our food pyramid is a marketing tool, not a health tool. BMI markers are completely wrong and outdated.

Please please please for the love of yourself, focus on what looks good to you, and what’s right for your body. Only YOU know that answer. Also, more importantly how do you feel? That’s even more important. I promise you as you age having muscle is far more important for your hormone health. Perimenopause is a bitch and those that have lean muscle mass will benefit through this decade long transition. Hell, doctors don’t even know how to treat hormone health. So please use your own research and personal compass to navigate your health than some number on a chart!
@judenshabbot Folks have already commented on the math, so I'll skip that.

I'll add that the number for overweight used to be 27 and it was bumped down to 25 for reasons that don't really have any scientific support but then BMI isn't really scientific despite its use sooo shrug on that one.

If you've got good muscle definition and your body fat percentage is under 30% you are in better health than someone that's a 19 BMI, most likely. My doc doesn't regard BMI when her clients are active because that would be most of her athletic and active hobby patients. BMI doesn't factor that muscle is denser than fat. Weight is just weight. Aesthetic doesn't equate a healthy body.
@judenshabbot Girl you look fantastic!!! Im guessing you might be heavy because of the muscle and not fat.

You should consult with the doctor if youre really worried but jesus you look ah-maaaazing!
@judenshabbot You look like you have a decent amount of muscle and like others have said your bmi is in the healthy range. I think you look ideal, I’m 5”3” and a half and currently 150. It’s only nine pounds over you but I don’t have as good muscle tone. Remember muscle weights more than fat.
@judenshabbot The moment you start lifting weight. Throw BMI out the window. It is no longer a representation of health. As long as you're not in the obese range, you are healthy, and you know you've gained muscles. Then you are healthy.
@tashpauls This seems to be fairly controversial on reddit tbh. Like I see more people saying BMI underestimates health issues from weight. But I at least do feel healthy and have great endurance.