I finally achieved the muscle up at age 38. It’s never too late!

@dawn16 Don’t get discouraged! I gave up and restarted my false grip training at least 3 times. For me, false grip pulls to armpits were the most effective. Plus it helps train the movement you need. Little by little it became less uncomfortable.
@brian77 Thank you! No experience at all. I didn’t even start working out until late 2019, and that was at my woefully lacking work “gym”. I could do 2 pull-ups and that was probably because I was at my lowest weight of 145 lbs. When Covid hit I got some rings for home and really fell in love with the bodyweight fitness regimen.
I followed the RR for about 8 months until I started to plateau and switched to a PPL split. I had trained off/on for the false grip and given up a few times. About a month ago I decided that I really wanted that MU so I put more focus on the false grip. I went through a lot of discouragement though, feeling like I’d never get the transition. That’s where the assistance band really helped. I really wasn’t even expecting to get a MU yesterday but I just pulled as hard I could and next thing I knew I was in the dip position!
@graciet How the eff do you know the false grip training is working or not? It’s really one of the hardest things to train without a coach bc i’m not sure if i’m holding it right or not

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