Finished DFW today…


New member
4 weeks ago my C&P RM for 22kg was 5. I had been already working on C&P through other programs so my technique was decent already. 4 weeks later after finishing DFW (with plenty of other accessories), I’m testing my one handed C&P, hoping in add a few reps to my max, and landed 10 solid presses on my weak (left) side. This is far more progress than I ever expected!!
@bmag Well done man, amazing improvement!
I also did finish my run at DFW last month and reaping all the benefits!
Now, what are planning to run next?
@premier3092 Good question! I think I’ll repeat RoP with the 24 now that my reps are around 5-7 with that. Want to continue doing leg work though, so probably incorporate split squats alongside it!
@christiangirl2017 Thanks for asking!
Each week I intended to increase my reps in the 30 minute session. With my 5RM bell I was hitting mid 20s on the first week. 30 reps on week 2, and ended around 33-34 for the third week. I had looked up the same question myself and saw some people hitting 40s. I think it’s true to just listen to your body, and make modest increases each week.

My accessories the same day were dumbbell rows, bicep curls, lateral and rear felt flies. I didn’t usually do all 4 each time. 3 sets of 8-12. Seemed like finishing those accessory workouts within 10 minutes gave me a very good burn so maybe it helped.
On off days I was doing Grease the Groove (40% max, 6-10 sets spread throughout the day) for pushups and pull-ups. Partly reasoned to balance out the shoulder work.
Good luck! I liked DFW, I felt like my whole body was more exhausted than single Bell work and it felt good to do some squats!!!