Ok, the color coded Google Excel Strong Curve workouts are finished! Enjoy and hope this helps reach your goals!

@byhisgrace You are a goddess! hugs This is just what I need for that little boost in motivation that I've been lacking lately! Printing this off now and heading to the gym!
@byhisgrace I just bought this book and was going to start the program - this is going to make it infinitely easier. I am so visual, and it would take me forever to make this. You are awesome.

Also, I had NO IDEA that there were so many google animals.
@donmn Ha I just learned from someone else making one of these and I just kinda tweaked it and made it more user friendly and more pretty on an organizational level.

However I then started my own excel google sheet to track my food and calories and other info and its been great.
@baptistgirl21 Are you on mobile? There's two easy ways to "save" threads, usually under the OP text box there will be an option for it. If you're on mobile tap on the original post and a small menu will drop down underneath it. Tap the star on the far left to save.
@byhisgrace Also commenting to tell you how great you are. I'm on week 5 of gluteal goddess, and I love your work with the beginner plan. I'm going to scale back when I finish to support my half marathon training, so this is a great resource for me. Thanks again!
@byhisgrace Thanks so much for this!! I will be printing it out when I get home. I have been looking for a program to follow but don't want to commit to anything yet, so this is perfect for the meantime :)
@byhisgrace Thank you SO MUCH for these, I've been following these for a few weeks now.

One question I have, and it may be dumb, but is it ok to double-up days if you missed a workout? Does it even make any sense to do this? Also sometimes I feel like I breeze through it and it wasn't enough of a workout, can I/should I double up days? Pardon me if this is a stupid question!!!
@musicoceanview34 A strength workout is designed to strain and "breakdown" your muscles so that your body can build them back up and make them stronger for your next workout (simplified explanation). Doubling up your workout means that you aren't giving your body enough time to recover and repair and that could lead to more fatigue or exhaustion which can be counterproductive to recovery. AKA LESS GAINS! This is why sleep and nutrition are extremely important for strength training to be effective.

If you miss a workout, simply consider yourself to have taken an extra rest day and continue the workout schedule as if you hadn't missed that day. One or two days of extra rest isn't going to ruin your gains, but pushing yourself too hard can.

Also, how out of breath you are is not necessarily an indicator of how effective a strength work out is. If you're struggling to complete sets, then that means you're close to your reps' max, so you're doing it right.
@musicoceanview34 Double up like do Workout A and C on the same day? I wouldn't, if it seems too easy you have to either add more weight each time or add more reps.

My rule of thumb is if I didn't make it to the max amount of reps it tells you (like 8-12, I make it to 12 or 10-20 and I do 20) then I add weight next time. If I only make it to 8 or 9, or 14 or 15, I try to do more next time.