Fit/active women of Reddit, what’s your weekly exercise routine like?

@mos13foxtrot Do you do your strength days on the speed workout days or easy days? I’m recovering from a foot injury and was doing a lot more strength training waiting to be able to run again… but now that I’m running, strength seems to have gone by the wayside. How do you incorporate both?
@willyc I go by the hard days hard/easy days easy rule, so on speed days, I go hard on the lower body strength after my run. On easy/recovery days, I focus on upper body and core for strength and just run really easy paces for my runs.

Keep in mind that I'm not super into lifting and it's just a necessity to keep me stronger for running, so when I say "hard," I'm not like...deadlifting 300 pounds! My focus is running, so I'll do maybe a 30 minute strength workout with dumbbells on my strength days. I'm not looking to hit any lifting PRs, so if I'm dragging on a certain day, I'll just do like 15-20 minutes of bodyweight strength exercises instead of picking up the heavier dumbbells.