Flaky friend gave me newfound motivation and self respect (plus I’m 7 lbs down!)

@hillsong2014 I had a friend come over from outta town last weekend. I needed to work out on one of the days she was here in order to stay on track with my weightlifting program, but I was so afraid to tell her or bring up the topic. I fought through it anyway and told her I would do it early in the AM while she slept in, and she actually wanted to come with! So we rolled up together and smashed an amazing workout!!

I have issues with confrontation too, so congrats to you for standing up for urself and respecting your own damn time. It’s amazing what kind of things happen in our lives if we just speak up :)
@cahlil I feel you! I have a Vegas trip coming up with my mom and I feel like such a burden to tell her I’ll be exercising and showering each morning before we can start our day, but after reading this I realize she’d probably be more than happy to join me. Thanks!
@hillsong2014 I’ve trained on my own for the longest time for this reason. I have a constantly changing schedule since I’m a student so when I lift it can either be when everyone’s still asleep in their beds or it can be when they’re in class. Also, there’s just no benefits to lifting with someone else since I enjoy listening to music.
@hillsong2014 This is why I joined the gym in the first place; my friend asked me to join so we could go together! She joined me exactly once but I just kept on going. 3 years later and I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been!
@hillsong2014 I’m that flaky friend (not yours, obviously, but to my own accountability partner).

We wake up early and text each other pictures wearing our shoes to prove that we’re up and ready to get our endorphins on. Except I haven’t been texting in way too long. She accepts me

She messaged me on Feb 28th that she had set a goal to work out every morning in February and to tell me she accomplished it! So I wrote her back immediately congratulating her and reminding her that she’s an absolute rock star. Because she’s an awesome friend, she didn’t guilt trip me about my lack of exercise, but did respond with happy messages when I’ve texted her all week wearing my shoes.

All this to say congratulations to you—continue being your own rock star!
@onelostsoul Yes! I am often the flaky friend, but I never want to hold my more disciplined friends back. Hopefully OPs friend is happy for her progress and isn't upset that the morning routine is more fair now.
@onelostsoul Thank you so much! I love my friend dearly and it’s because of her that I started this workout habit to begin with. I never want to shame her or make her feel bad, but I do wish had that same momentum as when we first started. You are an awesome friend and if/when that time comes, I’m going to remember this. Friends supporting friends, always.
@hillsong2014 Love this!!! Have had the exact same situation with two different friends in past couple of years. One being my best friend who is always talking about "when she loses the weight" and us scheduling to do something active that she never shows up to. The other is a coworker who every couple of months says we need to be accountability partners and work out at the company gym at lunch. After time and time again of waiting on her, I just started to go to the gym on my own and my coworkers are noticing progress.

Bottom line is, you can't count on anyone else expect yourself. If you wait on the right time to do something, it will never get done. And don't you feel soooooooooo much better about yourself for just doing it?
@rush1169 Yes! For the first time in my life I can honestly say I’m so so proud of myself for doing something for myself :) that’s so cool your coworkers are noticing!!
@hillsong2014 Proud of you

If I had to wait for my friends to workout with me, I would not be fit and thick today !

Also learn to communicate standards. Any emotion that you don’t address grows stronger and one day you will be extremely mad at her because she’s late and she won’t understand why because that would be the first time you talk about what’s wrong and you will sound like a drama queen :/
@dawn16 THIS! Totally. I know my friend has probably sensed my moodiness some mornings when she’s late, and I hated that I was the one coming across as the bad guy.
@hillsong2014 Oh my god, are you me?!? I had a similar situation with my gym buddies (post-work workouts) and eventually got to the point where it was like “F it, I’m done working, I’ll just get started and they can join me where I’m at when they get here”... SO much happier this way and love having the extra workout time.
@hillsong2014 Aww yaa!!! That's awesome.

Have to say I had the same realization last year after plans to workout with friends kept falling apart, and so now I just do my thing. I'll let my usual gym buddies know and if they want to join me great, but I'll be at the gym whether their ass shows up or not.

Edit: Spelling, grammar, who's she?