Four things I’m doing while the gym is closed:

@%C3%ADomh%C3%A1nna_beag If you can't afford fitness equipment, there are loads of free resources available right now. This is quite literally a health crisis with an unknown virus - OP has no idea if she has or will get sick. I'm not going after any sort of general ethical dilemma here, but it's beyond unhygienic. I suppose people on FB marketplace are taking their lives into their own hands when they know you've already used it, but returning it to the store means unnecessary travel and forcing those employees to handle things that you've intentionally gotten your germs all over.
@patmosann Well I would sanitize the shit out of everything if I do return it (since I’ve been Lysol wiping everything that enters/exits my house anyway). And I’m moving out of state for grad school this summer which is why I can’t keep the set for too long. Even if I don’t resell/return I’m gonna have to put it up at the local thrift’s not like I can literally throw everything I own that I don’t take with me away anyway???
@sawsar You're moving the goal posts. Do not buy things right now if you intend on returning them soon. Do not encourage other people to return things after using them for a while. This is how return policies get changed (see @freedomusa). You can't change your circumstances (moving is stressful! grad school is stressful! and I know there is nothing you can do about either one), but suggesting that equipment be returned towards the end of the return period simply to avoid purchasing it during a pandemic is dangerous.
@patmosann Ok, I’ll edit my post then. It’s already on its way though so I’m still planning to sanitize/resell along with most of my furniture and other household items I currently have in my possession.
@sawsar I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for agreeing not to return but still planning to resell. Are we all supposed to stop caring about the environment and throw everything directly into a landfill even if it’s as reusable and dis-infectable as a **** Barbell and weight set? come on people, a thorough chloroxing WILL suffice in this situation and reselling is the responsible thing to do, not throw everything she owns in the garbage despite having no suspicion of having coronavirus.
@brandon24 I thought about it a little more and I really do feel bad about carelessly suggesting people return used equipment. I was a little defensive in my first comment so maybe that’s why I was getting downvoted....but yeah I’m not planning on throwing my belongings away haha.

I also texted my fellow lifter friend asking if she wanted it after I move since she has way more space/stability than I do

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