from 8 pull ups to 20 and also from 10 dips to 35 in 6 weeks

@pittsburgh14 Isn't it unhealthy to train the same muscles everyday? Asking seriously, because I've never done a program such as this one because of thinking it could do more harm than good.

I would really like to try it, if it isn't bad for the body to train that much with no rest.
@shaggy77 It's a different training philosophy than you might be used to. Stay away from complete muscular failure, progress slowly, and you'll be fine.

In a few words it's "train as often as possible, while staying as fresh as possible".

You can google "squat everyday" or read "Power to the People" by Pavel Tsatsouline, articles by Chad Waterbury, "Easy Strength" by Dan John and Pavel Tsatsouline for more information.

Edit: this post has an old article from Pavel written for Milo in the late 90s that describes the general philosophy. It starts about 1/2 way down but the entire thing is a good distillation.
@pittsburgh14 I'm thinking about using the "fighter pull-up" program concept for both pull-ups and pike push-ups. I'm stuck at about 8 pull-ups and can't progress at all from 5 pike push-ups.

What are people's thoughts/experiences on training load along side the fighter program?

I've been doing a program similar to the Move wiki. I'm thinking I'll still do 3 separate training sessions a week but will take the pull-ups and pike push-ups out. This would mean my upper body routine would mainly consist of:

- Handstand,

- Pull (front-lever progressions/360 pull/skin the cat)

- Push (pike pull through's/ring shoulder stand/low volume dips)

What are people's thoughts on this? I'll space the "fighter" program work throughout the day GTG style (e.g. 2 sets morning, 2 at work, 1 when I get home)

@pittsburgh14 By progressing in your strength and increasing the maximum amount of reps you do in sets now, did you build muscle along the way or was it all just pure strength? (Did you grow in size gaining muscle mass or stayed the same in physique but can do more reps a set now?)

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