From runner to strength training - 9 month progress - 115lbs to 125 lbs (5"4)

@ryanmrozek Thank you so much for sharing, I feel quite inspired by your journey and I'm so happy that you're thriving 💗 I've felt a bit demotivated the past few weeks and also crying all the time - I moved back home after college so I feel I don't have many friends, I can't get to my gym as easily and it's my happy place, my boyfriend moved across the country....but your post made me remember that this is all a journey and we don't stay in one place too long. Just gotta find those ways to really enjoy myself again :)

On another note, I just had to follow Taylor as I saw she films at planet fitness and that's the only gym near me! So it's nice to see familiar equipment.

Also, what podcasts would you listen to while you were hiking? I'm always looking for new sources of content.
@everettinterpretation You're going through a lot; make sure to give yourself some grace.

Fave podcasts:


Totally Married/ Totally Laime

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This American Life

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Martinis and Money
@ryanmrozek Damn, that is incredible!! Huge congratulations! Now I just want to be your friend/gym buddy! I feel like I could learn a lot from you.

Coming from a 20f not a creep lol
@ryanmrozek Awesome job!! Two other awesome accounts on ig that also work out at planet fitness only are sbactive and heathercfit. They're sisters (they look like twins but aren't!) and their page is very authentic, never tries to sell you anything. Hope you enjoy their page!
@ryanmrozek I think you look equally amazing both ways ❤ I think we should do what's best for our health even though for me too at the back of my my mind I worry about having an hourglass figure, it's worth it to start feeling better physically and mentally!

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