Getting a gym membership today and I’m already anxious and embarrassed

@joanie59 I had the same fear when I got my first gym membership a few years ago. But, the people behind the desk were super nice and everyone else ignored me on the tour. After doing it, my fear of going back to work out went away. Still had a few concerns about whether it was awkward to use a treadmill next to someone, but it all worked out.

The easiest thing might be to remember that there are literally no stakes here. You don’t know anyone at the gym, and you’ll never see the again. If the staff is rude when you ask for a tour, just don’t buy a membership and go somewhere else. They’re the ones who lose by driving away a customer.
@joanie59 I'm saying this very gently, but if the idea of asking an employee at a gym a question about that gym is this terrifying for you, perhaps speaking with a therapist should be your actual first step.
@acer621 I know :/ The gym fear mainly comes from the idea that I’m going to be made fun of no matter what i do, cause i used to be the fat kid and i’m full of bad fitness related memories. Therapist is next haha