GTG in advance of RR, because of mental issues.... plz advice or tips or insight?


New member
Hi, I will make a short bio: lost my job last year, August 2019. Started walking for my mental health (BPD, 2 other Personality disorders, anxiety and depression) and that was fine. Then I started running, couch to 5 K, not good, shin spleens and my meniscus from my right knee is partially removed, so that was not really okay.. so I began going to the gym. 3 times a week 2x45 min cardio and fixed machineweights, because I am too scared of doing bodyweight in public. I went almost every day. At home I worked on my Pushup and Pullup, can do now, after 6 month, 2-3 clean proper pull ups and 10-12 pushups perfect form, also 3-4 diamond. But. Now every thing is closed, my appointments with my therapist are stopped, or sometimes on the phone, I am more depressed and I stopped working out at home. I did it a while, but I am restless outside (it is REALLY busy in the parks and outside, I hate people for it, I am so fed up with how stupid people here ar and they do not give me my 2 ft of space....) and inside I now have my two teenage boys, because school is not open, sometimes 1 or 2 days. so I am not alone at home, I Get stressed and uptight and I cannot find the time to do my RR, which I wanted to start.

After this long prologue: I was wondering, could I give GTG a try, to roll into the habit of exercising again, not feeling too fat, inadequate and stupid about my body and maybe after a while begin the RR? I thought of doing every hour ( I can set my Garmin Vivosmart to alert me every hour) like 2 pullups, 6 pushups, 12 squats (with or without barbells/kettlebell) and 6-8 negative dips onmy Lebert EQ bars, or maybe support holds or normal dips, 3-4 ones? And I do have sooo much to use... rings, pullupbar, EQ dipbars, parallettes of wood, half the hight of the Lebert bars and low pushup parallettes, an abwheel I do NOT understand how to use properly, and all sorts of dumbbels, kettlebells, etc... I also want to do 3 times a week an abroutine, for 20 min....

I wanted to be soooo shredded, being at home, working out, but I am so down and lost most of the time, so un edge and unhappy... I feel so shamefull and bad about myself and I want to be better.....

I am F44 and I am 177 cm, 78 kg and I want to weigh 68... dunno if I can.. I was 73 in sept last year, but gained 5 kilos, but also muscle!! I take care of my BBCA, proteïnes (at least 75-100 each day also in the form of powder!!) and I have a tendencuy to overeat on chocolate, drink too less of water, stress too much and sleep badly, I neeed 10 hours, I get 7-8 but I have to get up for the toilet 4 times, and I am going to be tested for sleepapneu....

such a long story... just want to know, Is my idea of doing GTG up untill the point I am not disgusted by myself, okey, to then start to begin with RR??.... I wanted to do RR on mon, wedn and frid and move or skill on tues and thurs, so to learn L sit, headstand, planche, ring stuff, etc...... was so motivated, feel so low now...

Tia for you reading effort, really.