Guys, how the F do I stop eating so much?!

@lostandtired Try keto. Cut your net carbs (carbs less fiber) to 20-30 grams per day, and don't eat foods with added sugar. Replace sugar in coffee and tea with stevia or erythritol - sweeteners that wont impact your blood sugar. Try to eat mostly whole foods with natural fats (salmon, avocado, whole milk cheese, grassfed butter) and a diverse range of veggies to ensure you are getting the nutrients your body needs. Get in electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) via supplements like lite salt or ultima electrolyte packets or chicken or bone broths. I went from easily eating 4000+ calories a day pre keto to now eating around 1600. If you do it properly (with minimal frankenfood) it will decimate your hunger.
@lostandtired I can relate to this a lot. I was one of those people that was always hungry. I tried calorie counting, IF, skipping breakfast, lots of veggies, you name it.

And the only thing that worked for me was getting rid of added sugar. I didn't want to try it for a long time because I was always firmly in the camp of eat whatever you want but within calorie and macro limits.

But sad to say. It works. At least for me. I just don't get those crazy cravings anymore where I can't do anything but eat every carb I have in the pantry.

So you might try that. But I imagine it's a your mileage may vary suggestion.
@lostandtired Have you been tested for candida? With carbs increasing and craving sugar so much, any non beneficial bacteria in your gut might be feasting then reminding you it needs more food. Going hard core on some probiotics might change your life. If you have a yeast overgrowth, you also probably aren't absorbing nutrients very effectively, which also would contribute to hunger.

Source: I don't have candida issues, but I pretty much just don't have probiotics in my system without adding them, and its kinda huge. Might be worth a try?

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