Guys, how the F do I stop eating so much?!

@lostandtired Are you closer to 6 hours or 8 hours?

There's a lot of people out there that have no problems on 6 hours. And there's a lot of people who need a solid 8+ hours to feel good but can skate by on 6. I'm personally someone who can get by with 6, but feel a million times more energetic and less hungry when I get at least 7.5
@lostandtired So, I was getting 6-8 hours, but I was waking up groggy almost every day, and I was getting tired during the day. Also had headaches every few weeks, and was always hungry, turns out my sleep is garbage (I had a sleep study done) so now I'm working on fixing that, which is why I thought to ask

If you're not waking up feeling refreshed it's definitely worth looking into, if not for the hunger then because feeling awake and ready in the morning really helps with stress and everything else that comes along with that
@lostandtired Sounds like it could be psychological--are you seeing a therapist? Could be worth talking to one. Or look into Overeaters Anonymous.

You might also try IF--it could help to just get out of the habit of eating for a good portion of the day (e.g. fast until 4 pm). I hear it sucks for a few days but then your hunger signals adapt so that you're not hungry during the times you don't eat (as long as you're consistent).
@dawn16 Another one to recommend IF. It helped me learn what real hunger is. It also helps to reset your “hunger cues” aka the release of ghrelin (it’s the hormone that comes and makes your yummy rumble because it’s used to eating at a certain time).

Also, have you gotten a check up? If something has CHANGED then it’s worth looking into.

Also, honestly you sound like me and i just found out I have ADHD. Which was really exacerbated when I started my own business and my stress levels went through the roof. I gained 35 pounds during it.

I’m back on the IF train and already down about 12. It really helps to try and contain my impulses to a certain window. And even then, I haven’t been 100% perfect and I’m still losing. So there’s that.
@dawn16 I definitely agree with trying Intermittent Fasting.

Cutting out breakfast and sweet stuff (including artificial sweeteners and most fruit) has kept my hunger levels lower, I don't stress about food or have those persistent "when can I eat?" thoughts anymore.
@wandkrie IF helped me lose almost 100 pounds, but for me I must have breakfast (because I need to take my pain meds with food and pain is worst when I wake up). So I always ate an light lunch/dinner that was mid-afternoon, then fasted.