Gym for 1.5 years, no results. What am I doing wrong?

@truth76 Yeah I'd switch up the training style. What you're doing is often advertised as a "build muscle burn fat" style of training. Or it will be advertised as "get shredded" trained. Imo it does both of those things very poorly. With this training style you'll see people make some initial noob gains but they will quickly level off. I'd look into a bodybuilding or basic strength program. People often say "I don't want to get huge" with body building style training so they figure they'll just do something like you're doing and they'll see results. That's not how it works though. You won't get huge. It's very, very, hard to do and with body building you can always stop and switch to a maintenance program if you "get too big" it won't happen though.
@truth76 Try the Crissy Cela app with the "strong lower body" program. Learn the form of the exercises in youtube videos, do progressive overload, and try to think of the muscle-mid connection.

You should also learn about nutrition...
@qurious4christ Lot of cardio? I thought it was fairly modest, I used to run so much more.

As for progression, I do progress but maybe not quick enough, especially because the app often tells to do like 22 reps - which I can edit of course. I do always reach muscular failure though.
@truth76 If you’re doing 22 reps per set you’re basically doing more cardio after your cardio. Doing cardio before your lifting is not ideal, tho in your case it doesn’t matter much since you’re doing more cardio at the gym. Training to failure all the time also isn’t a great idea. You should train close to but not to actual failure. Aside from maybe testing your max.

It’s likely that you’re just not giving your muscles enough rest and , since you’re pretty much only doing cardio, also not enough stimulus. Not eating enough on top of that us the perfect combination to not or very slowly growing muscle.
@truth76 Are you really pushing yourself?

Like, are you getting to 10 and thinking, boy am I tired...

Well, you aren't. You're not done. You can push harder. At least that's what I've had to tell myself. I found myself starting to slack, and along with it, my progress.
@janika11 Getting tired at 10, sometimes yes, sometimes no, it rather depends on the time I woke up in the last couple of days. I reach muscular fatigue and failure, maybe not training long enough/not enough exercises though.