Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym


New member
I was at the gym today, which I have gone to for years without issues. I was doing my warm up set to start of my leg day. I was taking my normal 2-3 minute break in between sets and scrolling through my music during that time. A really buff guy comes up to me and asked me how many sets I had. I politely told him I had two more sets. He then proceeded to start yelling at me that I was taking to long. I started to get pissed off and told him to go away. He only continued to yell nonsense at me about how long I was taking. I told him if he didn’t get out of my face I was going to take twice as long. It really started to piss me off when he didn’t go away and throughout my set he kept yelling. Prior to coming over he was on another machine, wasn’t even waiting for mine. After I was done he didn’t even use the machine I was on (plus there was two other of the same machine open right next to me). I watched him for a while and he spend 15 minutes on another machine. I don’t understand what his problem was and he ruined my entire workout.
@howru The gym I’m at (which was tik tok famous for a manager banning and yelling at a person for putting weights back wrong) doesn’t really care. Had I said something they would have probably brushed it off.
@nickblack I used to get yelled at by older men when I was a young woman in my 20' doesn't happen anymore, now that I am 54. I wonder if the losers that do this expect us to be easy targets and receptacles of their rage.
@nickblack Next time this happens you may tell that you're an aspiring powerlifter and you're following their rest schemes, which may take 5 to 10 minutes, but since you're just a beginner you're taking only 2 to 3 minutes, sometimes 4.

Ok this is a joke but this is something I might've done years back.

On a serious note: take this to the management
@nickblack I take a long time because I train heavy. I know how some people get annoyed. I am also on the other side when I do accessory work on the leg press. I see this kid overload the leg press and just move it a few inches. They are just wasting time. Theirs and mine.

I think the best practice is just ask them if you can have it next etc etc or ask if they want to work in.
@dabriashae Haha, no way. I took my share of roids back in the day, and I’d never do something like this.

I have the “sneaking” suspicion that whatever this guy was mad about had literally nothing to do with the OP. Not that that excuses him. Report that shit. If you’re gonna take your issues out on strangers, you don’t belong in any gym.
@nickblack Yeah, that’s weird and sorry you had to deal with that shit. If the dude is buff, I would assume he’s been lifting for a long time and is no stranger to rest time in between sets, especially heavy lifts which sometimes call for up to 5 mins of rest between sets. Sounds like he was having a manic episode or something
@nickblack I'm a 50s guy, and it's hard for us because gym culture has changed. When we were working out 25 years ago:
  • Nobody monopolized machines for extended periods while scrolling social media
  • Nobody monopolized *several* machines because "I'm supersetting"
  • People would ask you if you wanted to work in and share a machine rather than sitting on and scrolling...
  • People were at the gym to work out, not do YouTube videos and Instagram posts.
If you didn't look up from your phone to see if anyone else wanted to use the machine, it's possible you were just part of the "me-ification" of gym culture, and my man lost his temper.

That said, even if that was the case, he shouldn't have "yelled at" you. He should have said, "Hey, can I work with you?". OTOH, losing one's temper is understandable once you've done that a couple of times a day for a while.