Hit a lifetime fitness goal (34m, 6’ 205)


New member
I’ve been working out for years but got serious with COVID. As part of COVID I started into kettlebells. My experience with them has been awesome, and they’ve let me increase my fitness while keeping or increasing my powerlifting numbers. Early on In getting serious I set some goals, some of which are very far away. But today I hit one that I probably set too low. 20x70lbs one arm kettlebell swings per side unbroken. It was far from a max attempt, I just casually programmed it Mid workout. While most of them feel miles away still, to hit one blows my mind a little. Just felt like gushing.

Today’s workout:
15 minute amrap.
Thrusters 135x5,
Rows 105x5/side,
Ab roller x 10.
Managed 5 rounds. Crumbled after five even though there was 5 mins left on the clock.

For time:
kB swing 70 x 20,15,10,5/side,
Bench- 135x25,20,15,10,
Side plank - 45,35,25,15secs/side.
17 minutes for part 2.

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