How bad can i expect the loose skin to be ?

@carp614 Agree with your sentiment. Body health and fitness over worries about loose skin anyday! The journey and destination will have you feeling and looking SO much healthier. Focus on that, and getting there. Any by-product based on your current situation is an unnecessary distraction. You will be looking better, feeling better, and set yourself up for a better lifestyle :)
@saved123 Yeah man! Eyes on the prize. It’s 80% diet too. U got this. Develop a mindset of “eating healthy provides me with fulfilment.” And i’ll tell you - when you do eventually have a cheat meal it will feel so much more special and satisfying, but you will also start to feel more gross after which helps negate the cravings :)
@saved123 Hey, it’s cool reading all this, thanks for sharing. To see you acknowledge your fears shows you have courage, and it’s encouraging to other people to read it. You’ll get there and you’ll feel better and guess what, you won’t die young, fat and miserable either, so consider those gains, and you have a little extra skin, it’s just part of the deal. Good luck 🍀
@saved123 Lose weight for your health. But realise that our human minds are fickle beasts. If your mind is primed to find fault and be negative, it will find something negative to focus on, even if you have done an amazing job losing weight and getting healthier. So the trick is to not believe everything the mind thinks for you and to realise that you can choose whether to focus on helpful things or sabotaging things. Obviously the former is the way to go - but your depression wants to assert itself... it is a weird dance.

I was clinically depressed and it was like constantly looking into a distorting mirror - everything that happened was interpreted by the mind in the most negative light.

Once you are out of that depressed state, you can see it for what it is (and sometimes, if you learn mindfulness techniques, you may be able to see through it even from within the state itself, which is powerful. Once you realise that you are not your thoughts, your potential for change will be so much greater.)
@saved123 See a therapist. Seriously. You’re going to need to accept something’s that you can not change.

When I was young I cared about stuff like this. Not anymore. All I care about is that I’m healthy.
@dawn16 thats you bro, i really care for how i look and many people that workout do. Imagine iam not even in my 20 s i dont want to have saggy flying skin everywhere on my body. I am very aware of the fact that i cant change it. Tho you are very right in matter of time i need to accept it it stil damagins as fuck to your body self image
@saved123 Yeah dude I feel ya. Sucks but it is what it is. Many (most?) women whom have children also deal with this so it’s not uncommon. In the future if you have a wife and kids you may have to help your wife feel better about herself regarding this very topic.

Keep in mind we are lucky to get old. When we are old we all have loose skin. So 100% of people will go through this as well, eventually.

Fitness and health is the thing to keep focus on. You will be stronger and more powerful person if you focus on your health.
@dawn16 thanks dude i admire that you could get throught it just worried you know its not like death sentence of corse. Iam just scared of looking like that and how i will deal with it.
@saved123 Would you rather be overweight and unhealthy? Then have some loose skin, healthy and muscular?? Loose skin is so common. Healthy over unhealthy ALWAYS. you will ALWAYS look better as a healthy human being. Always
@paigemichelle of corse its alway better in every aspect , tho for me its kinda depressing to go the gym to put the same work as others, but you will never achieve what they have just bcs your body limitations. You want it but cant have it. You will look different. You will look not pretty. And that is very hard for me to be conformotable in that kind of situation. Very hard to build confidience and learn to love my body when i would hate how i look.
@saved123 You need to look up some before and after cause idk what you think is gonna happen, but when you get fit and put on muscle you’ll look good. LOTS of hot men have start off WORSE then you, and look great. You need to work on your self esteem. Keep going to the gym. It’s good for your brain.
tho for me its kinda depressing to go the gym to put the same work as others, but you will never achieve what they have just bcs your body limitations

You have plenty of time. I am in my early 30s and I'm the strongest and fittest I've ever been in my life. I did lift a lot in my early 20s and I stopped/got fat between 25 and 30. Now I'm stronger than ever before.

I assure you that things will get better with patience and effort.
@saved123 If you are the weight you say you are for your height then spoiler alert, you already have saggy skin flying everywhere, its just filled with fat as well.
@saved123 Just to be realistic, because many people are saying that you haven't been big very long or you're still young etc, you might need skin removal surgery. The fact that you got stretch marks to me indicates similar genetics to us very white people without a lot of collagen. My nephew was your age and needed surgery when he lost a ton of weight in uni. I also needed it, but I was twice your age when I lost 130 pounds. Either way, you're going to be ok! I got the skin removal surgery and it's great! Worth it! There's financing, might even be worth it to work at a hospital to get the employee discount (I did that, lived in the US back then). I sold my car to pay for it too. Got a junker to drive. It was so worth it!
@simont2 Anyone that gained 50kg in 2 years would have ALOT of stretch marks lol i don't think that means u guys have anywhere near similar genetics.
@saved123 Keep your skin moisturized use lots of lotion. Nothing wrong with loose skin, it can be filled with muscle, and it’s not a big deal 🥰 good luck on your fitness journey 👍our bodies carry us through a lot of things in life so be kind to yourself.