How bad can i expect the loose skin to be ?

@saved123 Have you seen your primary care doctor to rule out hormone issues or other underlying medical issues?
Good idea to transform with medical supervision and your photo reminds me of some I have seen of people with Cushing syndrome. (I am NOT a doctor) but suffered with CS in my 20’s and it came with depression and brutal insomnia and daytime fatigue and weight gain with stretch marks.
Good luck with your journey.
@jeremiah25 Thanks for the tip. No , never even heard about something like this though my anxiety is of the roof,feel very tired,not confident or energetic. I dont really have insomnia but i think when i was taking antidepressants pills could fucked up my hormones even doctor said to me weight gain is very likely to happen which did. Will ask doctor
@saved123 Do check in with a doctor. I know someone who experienced rapid weight gain with stretch marks and fatigue who was diagnosed with Cushing's.

If you do have Cushing's but don't get it diagnosed, then losing the weight will be nearly impossible. Please check in with a doctor.
@sergeant98 i will check it but personally i think my situation got fucked bcs i have not really move around too much,0 workout and i did not really look at what i was eating. I was this fat around 16 yo and i was shredded to the bone after 5 monhts and felt mentally amazing and confidient motivated to take the whole world really after it. Cant it be my fat placements are just in chest area bcs of genetics ? even then i was like this
@saved123 Probably some loose skin. Don’t worry too much about it now. Staying hydrated and using some lotion might help though. Once there is loose skin you could also look into microneedling, could potentially help. Not as much as surgery of course, it’s not magical. But it’s also not as expensive.
@saved123 You are young so you have elastin and collagen in your skin ( well we all do, but it declines with age), so I think it will adjust. Just because you have stretch marks doesn't mean you'll have loose skin. I've had two babies, and do you know how huge my stomach got? I have stretch marks but no loose skin. Also, loose skin isn't a health risk, but having a higher BMI is . So, I'd not worry about the chance you might potentially have loose skin, and go for it. You deserve it.
@saved123 As someone who had lost a ton of weight (110 pounds at the most) take it slow dude. Set the goal to one pound per week. Don't cut out to much to fast, just reduce by 100 calories at a time down to a goal. I'm also a personal trainer if that makes any difference
@saved123 As a girl who’s lost over a hundred pounds and kept it off. I was in my late thirties when it started to happen.

Hydrate and stay that way. Take vitamins if you can. Lotions are your friend. Sweating like sauna type situation sweating or even sweat suits like the plastic kinds. All help skin retract.

Wishing you the best!
@saved123 I am indigenous, we sweat in lodges. Yes it is for purpose. But we all love the added benefits of our sweat will include your skin retracting.

I have used plastic even plastic bags when I can’t sweat sauna or lodge.

A very long time ago if you needed to make weight you garbage bagged yourself.

It can be dangerous you don’t do those without monitoring yourself. Via the scales and staying hydrated and vitamins for depletion. And not a daily thing this is a so often thing when you feel like your skin could use a tightening.

Keep as much lotion on yourself or oils even olive oils almond oils coconut oils grape seed oils like oils made from plants trees or seeds.

The more lotion or oil you use and once a day is good enough after a shower is best but it will keep your skin in a state to shrink or stretch and still keep good elasticity and appearances.

Thank you for complement, tbh, I know it now, but didn’t then, first I thought I was sick like a terminal illness sick for a while because I just started literally melting. I am probably the few women on earth that cried and panicked when I lost weight. It was stress and having high stress careers. Stress can and does manifest itself in weird ways.

Good luck to you in your journey. Be kind to yourself and always get back to it if you break for whatever reasons. You are worth every bit of your dedication to you.