How much money per month do you invest on fitness?

@defd2000 I'm in the UK. My gym membership is crazy cheap (£24/month) and I go to a weekly stretch class there. For over a year I've been working with a PT at the gym each week (£30/hour) which has honestly supercharged my progress after 7ish years of weight training.

I have expensive activities: pole, aerial and occasional indoor climbing which are £120-150 a month and I'll do one of these activities 3-4 times a week.

Each month it's a fair chunk of my disposable income but it's worth every penny.
@defd2000 I rarely buy clothes or shoes, just when I need them. I pay for my membership by the year which works out to about 35$ a month, but was gifted an extra six months free. I have an Apple Music subscription that I pay for yearly, but it’s not really just for fitness. I guess gas to the gym?

Anyway, very very little.
I’d like to join a cross fit or f45 or bouldering or pole but I am very poor. So I just stick to my free membership for now and old clothes!

I don’t count food. I’d consume the same regardless of fitness.
@defd2000 Fuck all really. Callisthenics, yoga, swimming, dog walking can all be done for basically free. Healthy diet, good wellbeing, I’m not worrying about being the biggest guy in the gym. I have pretty good self esteem about the way I look these days, and longevity and good mental health are my goals.

I honestly think our generation will be dealing with some awful shit when we’re older from what goes in our bodies and the way we treat them, plus all sorts of stuff like microplastics, long covid, ultra processed foods, vaping, plus the fact the things that are good for us day to day are slowly being engineered out of our lives. My goal is a good lifestyle and to be free from disease for as long as possible
@defd2000 My gym is $30/month. Has multiple locations, basketball court, pool, classes, and just about every machine you could want.

Is $225 a lot to spend on a gym membership? Fuck yes it is. Unless you have a very specific reason to go there like that’s where your partner goes, you’re a fitness influencer that goes to an Equinox or one of those influencer gyms, or it’s included in some sort of package where you work/live, you can shave half that money by going somewhere else and use the remaining for a PT or on the groceries you want without feeling you have to budget it.

However, I’m also aware there are a lot of cool facilities out there that offer neat stuff. I’ve seen some gyms basically double as an office center so when you’re done with your workout you can use the office spaces to do work or study for school. Other gyms I’ve seen have almost like a day-club vibe where their pool looks like something you’d see in Vegas with a bar and live DJ on weekends. Overall, if you’re paying more than like $60 for your gym, I’m going to assume the perks are really worth it. “They offer unlimited classes” wouldn’t be enough of an appeal to me unless that includes for a PT, but to each their own.

Back to your question, not counting groceries the only things I’m buying consistently is protein powder for like $55 every 2-3 months. I used to use creatine ($25) but I recently stopped and I tried preworkout ($50) for a bit but I didn’t find the cost was worth the benefit.

That’s about it. I have dedicated shoes for all my fitness activities (2 for basketball, 1 for indoor rock climbing, 1 for weight lifting, 2 for running/cardio) each ranging from $100 to like $150 but that’s all I can really think of that I’d count as a fitness expense.
@defd2000 $85/mo for my climbing gym membership which also includes a weight room and unlimited free classes

Maybe $30/mo on high protein foods

$15/mo on gas to the gym or trailheads

New clothes/gear as needed.
@defd2000 Female, early 60s:

About $350 a year for a local gym membership - I go two or three times a week

Around $250 a year for my VR Supernatural membership (decent and very fun aerobic exercise indoors when it's cold or rainy and I'm feeling wimpy)

$120 for a weekly running group program that gets me up to 10k every spring and keeps me on track

0 for a weekly Parkrun timed 5K

$250 for five individual personal training sessions at a local community center - It's working out really well for me to do a session once a month - I'll probably keep up with this. It's been really helpful.

I won't count in my daily creatine or the pea protein powder I have on occasion.

Both the running group and also the parkrun are fairly social, the parkrun is nice because I sometimes join them for coffee afterwards.

I've got to know my personal trainer fairly well, she's been instrumental for my weightlifting journey.

I don't go to fitness classes anymore but I have I found if you go to the same class every single week you get to know the regulars eventually and make some fitness buddies. The trick is to never miss that weekly class. You'll be the one that's always there ! And sometimes you've got to be patient, depending on the culture. I live in a pretty big city so it takes time to get to know people.
@defd2000 Thanks. It’s a lot of money to spend, but it’s basically a lazy tax. If I don’t have someone on my ass, holding me accountable, I’ll skip the last few reps, the last set, leg day, etc