How much protein is enough to loose fat but gain muscle about? 5’3 129.4 LBS 21 F


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I’ve been eating in a deficit, around 1,400-1,500 calories and i workout 4-5 times a week, i get 10k steps a day to 12k steps as well.

I’ve been weight training but not seeing as much muscle growth. I’m trying to get down to 120 LBS and build more glutes, getting more toned, etc.

I try to hit 100 grams of protein everyday, i am also vegan so most of my protien comes from shakes, beans, tofu, etc.

Any tips? Ty!!
@foulendeparis Oatmeal and protein bar for breakfast, turkey sandwich during lunch and a protein-based dinner (chicken, salmon, tacos, etc). If I’m low I will have Greek yogurt in my snack. That usually does the trick!
@onlyheknows I have a client who is F5’4”, 220. She was eating 89g of protein regularly before working with me. She’s now eating between 140-160g, I leave it up to her. She’s lost 24lbs in 14wks and eating caloric intake of 1700 calories. Her exact macro recommendation is P150, C135, F70.
@aguasilver Of course!s

So for my clients I change their program a little each month. So right now this client is doing 3x per week and each program is Full Body Oriented. The way I try to change it up and make it different, is Mondays start with a chest exercise, Wednesdays usually start with an upper back exercise, and Fridays start with lower body (I alternate Fridays if its Posterior Chain Exercise or Anterior Exercise leading the program; Deadlifts vs Squats).

From a step perspective it's different for every client because I take each client from where they are to where they should be. This specific client started out with a 5000 step per day minimum because she was getting way less then that. From there I try to increase each client by 500-1500 steps every couple weeks depending on how well they are doing. Goal is to get them between 7500-12000 steps.

I have another client that sees me 4x per week and her program is a PPL+HIIT. So Tuesdays are Upper Push, Wednesdays are Upper Pull, Thursday is Lower Body (again, I alternate main focus every other week), with Fridays being a full body HIIT program with rests between circuits. This clients steps are 10,000 per day, and we are currently figuring out the appropriate macros for her this week.

Let me know if I can provide any other info :)
@aguasilver Thank you. I really believe the small steps to the ultimate goal keeps my clients from being overwhelmed. Plus I’ve been able balance my clients macros which allowed increase caloric intake to lose weight instead of lowering them super low like you see a lot of individuals in these groups doing.
@galinavot Those are My current reverse macros and I’m still maintaining my 112 weight. I’m assuming they will be going up again this week. The deficit was only 12 weeks your body need a break from deficits to properly lose fat without over exhaustion on your metabolic system
@vida Currently in my reverse and still managing 112 lbs at 1610 cals, during my cut it was a slow decline to 1427 nothing extreme I started at 1800 cals and slowly cut for 12 weeks
@onlyheknows Getting in around 180g of protein a day atm. 5'1, 120.1lbs, 30F. I do similar activity to you, 12K - 14K steps, heavy weight training 3x a week. I'm currently eating at my maintenance of 1700 for the second of 2 weeks and will cut down to 1450ish until xmas party season.

So far, I've lost 7.5lbs since September 6. I'm still losing a little bit of weight eating at my maintenance calories, so they're most likely increasing.
  1. try to eat at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight - so try to eat 129g of protein at least.
  2. try to include high protein grains since you're vegan, I think quinoa has ok protein, do a bit of a google on plant based foods with the highest protein and plan your meals with the protein as the priority. Unfortunately, I can't give any more advice since I get my protein from lean cuts of kangaroo, chicken, beef and pork.
  3. try to give yourself a deficit break, so after 1-2 months of cutting, eat at maintenance for a couple of weeks (and increase your activity intensity in this period)
EDIT: I'll add that I'm also going to abandon the scale at some point. I track my measurements as well, and I personally am concerned more with my measurements than my weight. I may ditch the scale in the new year depending on my measurement progress. Originally 32" on my waist at 6 September, waist is currently 27"
@amersjo there’s never too much protein, but 180g for ur stats sounds hella high. i would definitely sacrifice some of it for other food groups, maybe some fatty fish for unsaturated fats and carbs to get extra workout fuel. but if it works for u i have nothing against that.

also since OP is vegan i would just straight up recommend to supplement protein with powders such as pea, hemp and of course soy protein powder. OP could make protein shakes and use it in other ways too. it takes so much food to get enough plant based protein each day for muscle building purposes, so i would also think bag of protein powder would come at a lesser cost.
being vegan is honestly counterproductive for muscle gains and overall nutrition, as there’re lots of things vegans need to supplement, such as B12. the plant protein is really not as great as animal protein due to lack of essential amino acids. average human also gets some creatine from animal products while vegans get zero of it. so multivitamin, protein powders and creatine would be highly beneficial for any vegan, even for the ones which aren’t trying to build muscle. i was vegan for few years, many years ago, and it sucked for my body which i only realized after stopping. it can be done right i guess, but a lot of supplementation has to come into play
@jakob1997 Ooh can you share any good homemade seitan tricks? I’m vegetarian and try to limit my dairy consumption in general, Greek yogurt, hummus or chickpeas, and eggs are my go-to protein boosters besides protein powder. I am always looking for new ways to add a few more grams