@haithai01 This is going to get downvoted to shit and I know it, but I just have to say it.
It worries me that so many people act like your social life is nothing and easily dismissed for "fitness/career/nuclear family goals." I'm all for working towards what you want, developing a routine and good habits, etc. but there's a happy medium that can be reached. Making any one thing - your spouse, your job, your routine - the center of your universe to the exclusion of all else is not healthy.
To me it says something about the quality of your friendships (or your perception of them at least) if you find those folks so disposable from your life and about your priorities as a person on a whole host of levels. It's scary to me in general how willing to have no substantial human connections a lot of people are, beyond maybe immediate family and their SO, and when I see people saying things like their friends "get in the way" of their gym routine I'm sort of like....wtf?
Friends should be an important part of your emotional and mental well-being, a support system, etc. If I felt like blowing them off regularly so I can have 1% less body fat or whatever was my priority that would really make me question who I was as a person. I certainly don't know anyone with little to no healthy social life (key word being healthy, because of course toxic people/behaviors aren't really helpful to us) who is a happy person and this includes all sorts of folks who have "checked out" of their social circles for a host of reasons.
Humans are social animals. Just my two cents and probably a lot more "deep" and preachy than OP was looking for, but it was in my head skimming the comments.