How to feel my best in a bikini in 2 weeks

@mdlooking4 At F 5’ 5”. I feel your avg reference weight is about 130 lbs lean at 18% bf since you are active exercising

Not medical advice, just mho based on experience. You’re doing a ‘clean cut!

Consider this:

Prioritize protein at 1g+ per lbs reference weight so 140g (as you are already doing)

Fat: 65g (no seed oils) just unrefined coconut/avocado or EVOO & only add if need for taste.
Already natural fat in whole food.

Carbs: 130-150g
Stick to dark leafy greens/non starches

Best weight loss/muscle conserving method:

Eat only protein (40g minimum) for breakfast. Coffee/tea ok. A few berries if using in yogurt or protein smoothie are fine

Lite lunch or skip if not hungry

If workout: do small carbs & electrolytes pre & post ( if needed )

Dinner within 8 hrs of first meal. Also high protein (50-60g). Add lots low carb veggies

Snack/dessert: PEA PROTEIN ISOLATE (unflavored) smoothie! Add your fav flavor-cocoa, cinnamon, berries

Total kcalories will be about 1850

Do this pattern for 1-2 weeks!

Drink veggie bouillon for electrolytes as needed

Good luck Doc!

@mdlooking4 I think it's clear that you're informed and are on the right track. I would definitely track and reduce sodium if you have the will and I'd probably avoid diuretic supplements if I were you. I'm not sure about the safety of the latter and anecdotally, while the bodybuilding world is obviously fundamentally characterised by use of a lot of hazardous substances, I've heard ongoing commentary about how some of them can be risky. If you're tied to that idea, you could use your science background to look into some of the research on some, though. Risks may be variable across varieties of diuretic and I may have heard only the most negative aspects of this due to the fact that there can be an 'anything goes' mentality in some fitness circles and diuretics used may be misused prescription drugs with substantial effects. Also, note on the sodium thing (I'm sure you saw this coming): if the swimsuit wearing is being done on a holiday, you might get some rebound water retention upon switching from a lower sodium diet to eating restaurant meals.

You might see some visual changes if you swing even the same caloric intake towards protein and away from carbohydrates (the utility of all of this really depends on whether you want to track calories again; for me, these are straightforward changes because I already track all of this, but if you don't, it could be difficult. This would potentially get rid of some stored water. Also, beware of having your efforts temporarily undone by hormonal changes across weeks (not that that's necessarily very controllable)!