is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

@peaceprevails26 I'm 5'4 and I have such a large frame that even at 165 i have some visible collarbones and front hip bones. Im aiming to eventually get down to 145 but not any lower. And ill see how I feel when I get there
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’3 and always get the most complements when I’m around 140-150. I’m currently 135 after getting down to 132- going through some bulk/cut cycles to put on extra muscle, and I’ve gotten some “are you okay?” comments because my face looks a bit too thin.
@peaceprevails26 5’2 here. The lowest I’ve been in my adult life was 147 and it was when I was in the deepest state of my ED and running 30 miles a week. I looked like an absolute bobble head at the time. My body is much happier and healthier at around 155.
@peaceprevails26 I am 411 and have sat between 140 to 150 for most of my life. The lowest I got down to that I could maintain was 128 and I definitely looked less curvy and was pretty thin. I’ve always really liked my curves, and I much prefer myself in the 130s when I am regularly lifting weights
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’3” and in the 150’s now. I wish I felt good but I feel better at 130ish. I carry all my fat in my legs and butt. I’ve been trying to lose weight and my body is just stuck at 155
@peaceprevails26 I can pull off 140 and my body likes 140. But i prefer lower. I look my best lower because I think i don’t have enough muscle yet. For maintaining curves and boobs 130s are best. 120s and under is just straight up skinny and I think it looks great on my small frame but I start to lose some boobs. Pros and cons to everything.

I know plenty of people that are our height and look their best at 140 . I think that’s why it’s important to build muscle so you can weigh more and look slim/toned/athletic.
@peaceprevails26 140-150? Almost certainly not. Im 5’4” and typically sit at 123-125 lbs right now, and that’s with some good muscle mass that I’m pretty happy with.

I’d like to bulk further and would probably sit at about 133-135 lbs ultimately, but I’m just not at a life stage to consume the large amounts of healthy protein and make the time for extra exercise that would require.
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’2. My GW is 150 or 155, CW 165. When I was at my lowest at 127 I looked like a bobble head. I’ll see how I look at 150 then maybe decide if I want to lose anymore. I’m not going below 140.
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’3” and currently 135. I like being 120-125 the best for my frame/muscle tone. I got down to 105-110 when I was running a ton and literally EVERYONE asked me if I was ok. It was frustrating at the time.

When I go above 130 I don’t like my weight distribution, but new jobs and promotions got me a little heavier than normal. Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️
@peaceprevails26 I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is about 145lbs.

I look good at that weight, feel good at that weight, and until I totally let myself go, it wasn't hard to maintain that weight.
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’2” and 135. I’ve gained some muscle over the last 18 months, after I added weights and Pilates and eased up on cardio. I was much bigger before, so I feel like this is the lowest weight I can maintain without developing an ED.

Losing is no longer a goal, I just care about being strong and feeling healthy. Some might think I’m fat at this weight, but as long as I can do somewhat advanced level Pilates exercises, and not obsess about food, I’ll be happy.
@peaceprevails26 It's wild how the smallest differences in height changes everything. I'm 140 now at 5'0 and it is NOT a good/healthy weight on me. I'm very noticeably overweight and you can't see any of the muscles I've grown. I've been 110 before with no muscle, and I'd love to get close to that again to have defined muscle. But I feel like I have more pep in my step and more energy when I'm in the mid 120s.
@peaceprevails26 I hear you. I'm 5'2" and I hovered around 120 for a long time and I've always had an athletic body type. At my lowest body fat I was really tired. I felt really good around 130, not so much around 150 recently though so I'm working on my activity level and working down in the 140s.