is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

@peaceprevails26 I am 5’3 and I’ve never been comfortably under 130 pounds. I’ve always been skinny fat when I was lean so I don’t know if I keep weightlifting and doing cardio what my optimum weight would be. I’d be happy to be at 140 honestly. I’m at 160 now.

I’m not focusing on the number on the scale so much just on the way I feel and look.
@peaceprevails26 I’ve never made it below 135 at 5’3” and I was skinny at that point. I would like to get there and build muscle.

Right now 157 and I oscillate between thinking I look big and thinking I don’t look too bad and just need to tone. Photos however say that I’m huge and that’s something I’m making my brain work on.
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’3 and currently sit in that range. I look weird. 🤣 It’s like, I’m pretty well proportioned in my limbs and upper chest/stomach are but then I have this bubble of fat on my tummy from kids and depression and…lol it looks weird, imo.
@peaceprevails26 I recently had a conversation with a frind trying on outfits.
(She is about 2 sizes up same height 5”2)
She said “I wish I was at your weight this dress fits you so much better”
Me “nah I’m at 63kg(~138) now wish I was back at 60kg(~132) then my thighs were slimmer and jeans were fitting better..”
She was so surprised said “I weight 59kg (130), it’s not possible you weight more and look so much slimmer”

So yeah weight is not best for comparisons.

. I’ve been doing sports all my life (cycling, riding competitively, football). I have strong lower body - plus I store all my fat on top of that. For me I feel too bottom heavy at 145, but hubby definitely loves me at that weight better.
At - 130 I have lost all my boobs (seriously c to aa) and my collarbones are out, my booty and thighs still are quite large 🥹
@peaceprevails26 I look best at over 50kg and I'm 160cm. My frame is narrow and my bones are fine. If I had a better build - as most of my family do - my current weight (58) might not suit at all. If you're broader it makes sense that your ideal weight is a little more.
@peaceprevails26 I grew up really skinny and always underweight, always around 100 lbs or less and 5’3. I’ve been working out for almost three years now and now my weight is up to 128. People don’t believe me when I say I am 128 and they still think I am around 100 lbs. When I don’t eat for a while I can still lose weight really quickly so I have to constantly maintain my weight. I like my current weight at the moment! I’m definitely not used to ever being at this weight but I feel good and healthy. It’s however comfortable you feel about your body! The scale doesn’t really mean too much because we are all built differently
@peaceprevails26 I'm five four. when people were telling me I looked sick, I was around 116--which I see is a common goal weight for people in this sub. I never believed anyone, because to me I wasn't even 'underweight' so how could I look sick? This was also at the heart of my ED, and when I look back at pictures of me at that weight, I do actually look sick.

I've kinda just come to accept that I am 'dense' ahaha as no one can ever guess my weight and I shouldn't rely on BMI for my body type. Honestly, weight is so fucking useless at times, especially for people who work out. If you are comfortable at a weight people may think is 'high', then whatever, it's how you feel that matters most :)
@peaceprevails26 I connect with this! This is what brought me to this sub, I was wondering this myself! From high school to early 20's, I was always 110-120, but I'm starting to feel like I prefer myself at 140/150.
@peaceprevails26 raises hand meeeeee!

I’m 5’2” and I was at my most fit when I was 138 pounds. I got down to 133 a year ago, but it’s bc I was drinking a lot and barely eating—I wasn’t working out at ALL, it wasn’t healthy, and it was NOT sustainable whatsoever. But yes - my body is just comfortable around 138-140. I’m a very muscular person; I have really muscular/broad shoulders, and thick legs, etc.

Even if I tried, I think it would be near impossible for me to reach 120/125. I’d have to workout 2 hours a day every day, AND do something really drastic with my eating, like cut out all processed sugar/go keto, which I’m not willing to do. I would go insane if I couldn’t have sugar lmao.
@peaceprevails26 I can kind of relate I’m about 5’2 and have put on about 40 lbs after turning 21. I’m on the verge of 25 and about 155lbs now. I’ve been working out and eating better and I feel good even though I still have some fat to convert. I just still look fat in photos lol
I have a naturally round face no matter what I weigh though
@peaceprevails26 I’d love to look amazing at 140 but being in the shorter side of petite and no curves, I’d look like a snake who ate too much. I can see a someone being 5’4 and looking good at 140 since that’s a significantly taller height than most other petites.
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’1 and about 140. Honestly it varies by day for me but I get a lot of compliments. I’m quite curvy for being so short and i don’t really hold weight in my tummy area. However I have saddlebags but the way I’m built it just looks like I have curves
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’0” and I looked the best (and proportional) at 93lbs, but I was literally getting sick often and actually passed out a few times. — personally think that 125-135 lbs are the best for me at my height so I agree with you being 5’2 and weighing 140 as long as a good portion of that weight are muscle.