is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

@peaceprevails26 I’m a bariatric patient, had gastric bypass in May of 2022. I’m 5’2, 175 lbs, and I’m wearing a size 6 in jeans (28-29” waist) I have a ton of loose skin that needs to be removed and tbh, I’m not sure how I’ll feel about myself when it’s removed. Idk how much of my weight is loose skin and I know I have a ton of bones jutting out in uncomfortable places. I’m still considered obese by the BMI chart.

Weight doesn’t determine your health, your confidence, or your comfort, because sooooo much more factors into that number than we give ourselves credit for!
@peaceprevails26 This was several years ago now but I have a friend who is the same height as me 5’2”. I saw someone had left some paperwork behind in a study room and was trying to scan for a name as it was a health document that had some very personal info/identifying info on it. I saw the weight (146 or 143 lbs) and height (5’2”) of the person before I saw the name. When I saw the name I was blown away because I was like omg this is so and so AND I had no idea she was that weight. She was someone who worked out and looked amazing. On her the weight looked good because she was very sculpted. I had never really done weight training before so even though I was not much heavier than her, I looked out of shape. I gained a lot of weight since then and trying to lose it/put on muscle so we will see where I end up now haha.
@peaceprevails26 I see plenty of photos of people my height at 120 and think they look healthy and fit and amazing but photos of me at that size, I think i look too thin and proportions are so off. i think 140 is really the sweet spot for some people- mind you i have very wide hips/ full chest
@peaceprevails26 I’m a little shorter at 4’11” and I feel like I looked best around 120-130, anything below 110 or so and I start to look frail. Which is crazy because based on my BMI I could be a “healthy” weight as low as around 90lbs, the lowest I’ve been in my adult(ish) life was 94 lbs due to an illness that left me bed bound and unable to eat for about a month, I lost a ton of muscle mass and looked ill but that could be a perfectly healthy weight for someone with a more delicate frame.

I’m not small framed like some people at my height and I gain bulk muscle easily so I think that’s a big part of it, plus my ideal aesthetic isn’t super lean, not that there’s anything wrong with that, I just don’t find it as flattering on my shape.

Now that being said I’m quite far from that goal right now but working towards getting back there 😭 My current goal would be to get down to 140-150 and then go from there.
@peaceprevails26 I’m 5’4” and dropped from 200 to 135 over the course of a year (about 7 years ago) and was told that I was too thin by a lot of people. I’ve since gained the weight back and my friends have reiterated that I shouldn’t lose as much as I did before.

I felt amazing at 130 but my body liked to solidly sit at 145 for a while. My primary goal is to get back to 145 and then reevaluate.
@peaceprevails26 I'm 5'2 and 150lb, I wear small/medium (size 6), and I lift more than I ever have before in my life (2/3x a week). My fiance says I look better now than I did 20lb less (but I didn't lift them). I feel like I could drop 5/10lb but I always feel like that whether I'm 110 or 160 so idk. The scale weight does mess with me though
@peaceprevails26 I'm currently 158lbs at 5'4", but the lowest got to was 143lbs. My body looked great but my face did not look healthy, it was well into gaunt. I'm aiming for 145lbs this time & will see how I look. But ince I'm in the lower 140s I genuinely don't think there is much excess I could reasonably lose.
@peaceprevails26 I'm (31F) 5'1 and swing between 140 and 145 these days. I have a one year old so my weight has been all over the place the last two years but ~140 was my pre pregnancy weight. I wear a size 4-6 pants and small or medium tops. Consistent resistance workouts and a decent diet over many years really adds good muscle. I still fit into a lot of clothes from college when I was ~120.
@peaceprevails26 People always think I’m lighter than I am I think primarily due to muscle - I’d like to be a bit lighter but honestly love being around 145 since it’s easily maintainable
@peaceprevails26 I'm 5'3 and my goal weight is 140lbs. I've been happy at that weight before (although I've also never managed to get any lighter than that). I have a very hourglass figure and I'm happy with my curves, I just don't want to be carrying too much extra weight on top of them!