How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!


New member
Hi everyone! I started lifting heavy about a year and a half ago after suffering from unrelenting shin splints due to running. I soon fell in love with it and decided that lifting was the only thing I could really stick with as far as exercise goes. When I took this before picture right before I started lifting seriously, I was mostly stoked about the green bathing suit I had bought for $9 and was sending the picture to my boyfriend because I was looking so damn fine. The after picture was taken 5 minutes ago at THE SAME WEIGHT AS THE BEFORE PICTURE after some diet changes and lifting.

Before (not flexing): Imgur

After (obviously flexing with horribly messy room):Imgur

Diet before: Mostly alcohol, sweets, whatever I felt like eating. I've always been about 130-135lbs and never really worried too much about my weight, even though I was never super thrilled with what my body looked like. I never counted calories and had no idea what macros I was eating at any given time.

Exercise before: Some running...I did ballet for a while and mixed in some yoga. Nothing too serious--mostly things for fun.

Stats before:
5'5" 130lbs,
Squat 1 rep max: the bar...maybe,
Deadlift 1 rep max: 95lbs,
Bench press 1 rep max: 45lbs

Diet after: 2100 kcal/day with 40%protein, 30%fat, 30%carbs. All one is perfect. ;)

Exercise after:
4-6 days per week of heavy lifting. Rare cardio.

Stats after:
5'5" 130lbs,
Squat 1 rep max: 185lbs,
Deadlift 1 rep max: 250lbs,
Bench press 1 rep max: 105lbs

My main reason for writing this out is that I want to encourage people who may be put off by a number on the scale that never seems to budge... Your body IS changing and you ARE making a difference. Stick to it and you'll see results. :)

Edit: As requested, here is a completely relaxed pic: Imgur
@john1277 its only been 4 months I've been lifting, and to be honest, sometimes its kind of hard to keep up. Not seeing the results right away puts me down pretty easily. This is a very good example that it takes more than determination, but also patience and constancy.
Anyway, would it be possible to know ur workout routine?

Thank you very much!
@john1277 This is amazing! You can definitely see all the hard work. Just comes to show the scale won't move but your body will show a huge difference if you keep trying.
@john1277 Saving this post because despite working hard 5 days a week, my scale has stayed the same OR increased. It's been hitting me really really hard and I've been getting so frustrated. This kinda gives me hope.
@john1277 Thank you so much for posting this.
As someone who's trainer has given them crap for weight fluctuations even while lifting 6 days a week and eating very clean, this makes me feel a lot better. I never felt accomplished because the numbers on the scale never went down even though my abs are getting more defined and muscle tone is increasing significantly. You are an inspiration and have helped me get through some serious mental blocks!! :)
@john1277 Can you tell this to my family practice doc?! You look great.

She's super into the number on the scale thing, so she's concerned that I'm 5'6'' and around 145-150lbs. My weight has been very stagnant for three years. Overweight is 154 lbs for my weight according to BMI. I lift three times a week and train BJJ four times. My clothes fit better all the time, and it was awkward when I lose 5 lbs and she asked how many pants sizes I dropped. How about none?

It'd be nice to have someone understand that body comp is the important thing! This is amazing :)
@abosie In the Army, I saw the BMI number for "overweight" as a challenge. I wanted to gain enough muscle to be "overweight" and have to get taped. I was 4 lbs shy at my last weigh in. So close!
@john1277 This actually gives me some encouragement. I've been 150 for the past 2 months even though I work out like crazy and am eating super healthy. But I can clearly see a huge change in my body and how my clothes feel. Going to stop being neurotic about weighing myself now I think.
@john1277 This is super motivating, thanks! You look great. Honestly your after pic is my goal! :)

I'm 5'5'' and sitting at about 138-139lb at the moment. I've been lax lately but now it's time to revamp my routine! Going to try to replicate yours with the bowflex (wish it was an olympic bar, but alas, one day) and the free weights I have at home. And of course continuing to monitor calories...
@livelystone13 Yes, go for it!! All I can say is go as heavy as you can! I am definitely guilty of thinking that curling the 5 lb weights for sets of 20 was going to be the best option. I truly didn't see a difference until I really started pushing myself.