What are your non scale goals for July/august?

@uticus Bench 60kg - 5kg over BW
Squat 70kg (its my weakest due to historical quad injuries) 15kg over body weight
Deadlift 110kg- 2 x body weight

And get my nutrition right so I feel good, im still not there with it but I feel like I'm getting closer
@uticus I'm going out of town next week and my goal is to try out a new gym while I'm there for the heck of it. Just to put myself out of my comfort zone and see what else outside of my small town, community centre gym is out there. If everything goes well I'd like to go 2-3 times.
@uticus Being able to continue c25k and achieving regular 2 mile swims without exhaustion.

Need to dial in my calories and macros... wish me luck. I'm not sure the increase is gonna do the trick, but since I'm doing 6 days a week, I'm hoping I can eat more lol
@uticus Get back to four days a week at the gym and start tracking my protein again. My last bench max was 2 rep max of 100# so I’d like to get to at least 110#.
@uticus My big goal for July is making it through a trip I have in a few weeks for a wedding. 2023 has been very difficult for me health wise but I had agreed to be a bridesmaid late last year, so I didn’t want to back out. Since June I’ve been trying to get myself reacclimatized to being around crowds and having busier days so that I can have the stamina to get through the flights, the airport, and then all of the wedding events. I have already started trying to add a few extra PT exercises in every day. I want to make it through the trip and not make this flare ramp back up. For August I would love a goal of being able to walk a mile at a normal pace but that really depends on if my new meds work so I think my more realistic goal is to go up a bit in weights with my dumbbells.
@uticus Love the goals!

For me, I love weight lifting, but I want to branch out, so my goals are:
  1. Do at least one event with my local running club. They have a 2 mile/6 mile fun run coming up right in my neighborhood that I hope to participate in
  2. Do yoga at least once a week, whether at home or at my gym.
@uticus One goal is to get back into my rowing habit. It slipped this spring, even while I kept up my other activities. I dunno why! But someone's said there are GAMES on the rower, so now I have a new amusement.

The other goal is to do that pec tweak thing that Terry Crews can do. It makes me giggle and I want to improve that mind-muscle connection.
@uticus I kinda fell out of all fitness/training over covid so I feel I am starting at the beginning a little bit. Working my way back to heavy lifting and hoping to break into the 70kg deadlifts as I work back to 100/120kg range.

The callouses on my hand are seriously kicking my arse at the moment. Also been working to get 15k steps a day in and largely succeeding. Can't lie I am not one of those folks who enjoys going for a walk, but I am trying to listen to podcasts/music and make it a kind of me time away from a desk or the house.