What are your non scale goals for July/august?

@uticus Hop in my boyfriend's pool and try some water aerobics. The shallower half is large enough and it gets enough shade from the covered porch and umbrellas that I don't have to worry about getting burnt.

I've been lifting and just upped my dumbbell weight. Goal is to figure out how to get more protein to support my muscles without compromising my caloric intake. Not sure popping for a tub of protein powder is worth the cost yet.
@uticus My big one this summer is doing ten pull-ups (in one set). I couldn’t do a single one just a few weeks ago and now I’m up to 3x3, so I’m optimistic!
@uticus I have this one kind of silly goal, not necessarily related to any specific time. I want to be able to walk from the grocery store, with a full backpack and maybe a bag in my hand, and not be out of breath when I get up that final hill. By August I should be able to accomplish it (I hope)
@uticus July: Really focus on being able to activate core and breathing with proper form during all exercises. I've been struggling with my core for years. I can confirm from experience that you won't necessarily build a strong core from consistent exercise. My deadlift 1RM was 200lbs and my back was jacked. Well for me anyways.
August: Sign up for reformer Pilates because again core. I'd also like to be able to get 5 pull-ups. I got up to 4 but then stopped using a barbell for awhile and I miss doing them every couple of days.
  1. Get one (non knee) pushup. I've struggled with pushups for a couple years, both in not being strong enough to do them, and when doing them, I get a tingling in my one elbow. But I think the upper body workouts I've been doing lately have solved both this problems and this summer I'm hoping I can actually get to a full pushup.
  2. Work on core activation more and not giving up early during core exercises. Core is my least favorite part of a workout but I need to suck it up and focus on it because I'm only hurting myself by being lazy with it.
  3. Just continue being consistently active. My aim for the last couple months has been 4 days of activity of a week, and I've been good at hitting that every week, with most weeks getting in 4 strength workouts and usually a long walk or two. But I'd like to up that to 4 strength workouts a week plus a walk at least 4 days a week. And if I can manage to find a bike again, then throw in a couple bike rides a week too.
@uticus I started Crossfit a few weeks ago so there are three things in relation that:

1) My upper bodyweight has always been lacking and it has really been showing in class so I’d love to be able just use the 20kg bar instead of the 15kg without feeling like my arms are about to fall off

2) Get one proper push up. Never been able to do this but all the knee push ups are definitely helping progress

3) My core is so weak! Do some short consistent core work each day to build this up
@uticus 500lbs sled push. I hit 485lbs yesterday and I am soooo close I can feel it. I think I could probably do it now but my shoes always slide off even when I tighten them as tight as possible.

Not sure how to get over the shoe problem.

My second goal is to stick to my 5 days a week fasting 18:6. I fell off last week while going to visit family and it’s been hard to get back on it.
@uticus My non-scale-goal for the next 6 weeks is to just be consistent with my new lifting routine. I've been doing just cardio (walking 2-3 miles a day, six days a week) for the last couple months and it's helped me lose 59 pounds but I was anxious to start gaining muscle as I've got lots of loose skin already, and I'm light enough now that I feel more confident about not injuring my body or my pride in the gym. I'm going to continue to weigh myself weekly, as I've been doing, but I fully expect the scale to go up for a while until I get used to lifting. I'm still obese and I want to try to take advantage of being a noob and shoot for recomp for the rest of the year. I'll cut what's left once I'm done with noob-gains.
@uticus I don’t have a scale goal; never have. I focus on fat loss and muscle growth so when my goal was to lose weight, my goal was to fit into my (true) size 4 jeans.

My non-scale goals: 10 dead hang pullups (can only do 2.5 right now), deadlift 225lbs (at 205lbs), improve on my ring work.
  • Get the 45 up for a 5x5 on dumbbell shoulder press
  • Do cardio consistently
  • Get 8 hrs of sleep (i.e. stop browsing this app until midnight)
  • Meal prep and hit macros better
@uticus I love this! My goals are mostly cardio-related right now since my strength routine is in a good place. I’ve been having trouble getting enough steps in because it’s so hot here right now. Anyway, I want to:

1 - Improve my mile time. Not sure what my goal time is yet. I need to get a baseline this week.

2 - Consistently do at least two low-intensity cardio sessions per week - walking or easy spin

3 - Take one spin class a week in preparation to start subbing/teaching again in August

4 - shift my bedtime up to 10 p.m. to prepare for a regular 5:30/6 a.m. wake-up when my daughter’s school year starts in mid-August
  • Keep hitting the gym 5 days a week.
  • Continue with my goal of walking 100 mi/month
  • Start adding biking back into my commuting routine. My old bike was stolen last fall. I got a new to me bike this spring, but I don't love the fit of it as much as my old bike. But, I also haven't ridden it as much. I'd like to get back to at least commuting to/from the gym on bike 2 times a week.
  • Walk around the lake once. It's about 12-13 mi depending on which routes you take and I haven't done it yet this year.
@uticus Participate in an online dance class 4x a week.

I teach dance in the fall and would like to be back in the swing of things by August.

Continue a consistent workout routine once I start teaching Kindergarten again in August as well.
@uticus By the end of Aug, I want to get my squat back up over 100lbs, my bench press to 95lbs and my deadlift over 175lbs.

I think I can go that pretty easy cause I'm not that far away, but I have a week long vacation at the end of July that will slow me down a bit.
  • First 200+ lb deadlift. Last 1RM was at 185 lb, but that was months ago so I think i'm ready to test it out again soon.
  • First handstand push-up (against a wall)
  • More consistent ab workouts (I hate doing ab-specific work but needs to be done...)
  • Complete a 15 ft rope climb. I can get about halfway up a rope but need to work on my foot lock technique and fear of falling lol
@uticus (1) I'm currently about 5" from the floor in my middle splits, and I'm really hopeful I can get my full middle splits by the end of August.

(2) I have a gym routine that I'm following, and really I just want to consistently follow it. I've started and stopped a few times, but I'm really optimistic that I can keep up the motivation this time.