What are your non scale goals for July/august?

@uticus Continue my streak of at least 8000 steps/day. Get to the gym at least 4x, ideally 5x, a week. Attend at least one, ideally two, restorative or yin yoga classes a week. Start paying attention to how much protein I eat again and try to meet my goal every day, even on the weekend (lol).
@uticus I've been avoiding cardio, but my goal is to try and incorporate running/jogging for 10-15 minutes after my arm/chest day.

I also would like to get out in my kayak at least once a week for the rest of summer :). I've really enjoyed kayaking after work with my partner, and now that I know how to tow my kayak trailer, I feel more empowered to go by myself.
@uticus I would like to not always be sore all the time 😂

More seriously, I feel like I have a good schedule going with cardio/upper/lower body but I need to add some core work and some stretching and foam rolling.

1) Stretch or foam roll daily – I’m getting some aches and pains that I didn’t get when I was younger and I feel like this is a good habit to get into now!

2) Core workouts 3-4 days a week – I’m so lazy about this and average maybe 5-10 minutes of direct core work a week. I’d like to devote at least 30 minutes a week to core, not all at once but with a few 5-15 minute workouts. My core is definitely a weak spot!

3) Push-ups – I used to be able to do these and now I definitely can only do one or two. I’d love to be able to do 10 good form push-ups by the end of July with the help of lots of chest, tricep and core work!

4) Get more sleep – I don’t get enough sleep and I have no reason not to. So here’s to sleeping more this summer!
@uticus I am in a running/walking club and I ONLY do the walks. The walk is at about 3 mph pace for 2.5 miles. My goal is to join the 3 mile run and have the endurance to keep up with the group. It is a group where no one gets left behind which is great, but I also don't want to be the one so far behind where it is only the leader and me.
@uticus My goals are to walk 5000 steps every single day outside and hopefully work up to 7500 total. I also want to do yoga every morning. My last goal is to keep up with my physical therapy which is prescribed lifting 3x a week. I don’t enjoy it currently and it makes me tired but I need to do it to get stronger so I can do the activities I do love.
@uticus I love this post!
  1. Get 100 grams of protein, minimum, each day.
  2. Continue to get 5 miles in per day - either on foot, or on the mountain bike.
  3. Read 1 book per month. (I'm on a new kick of learning about balancing my (female) hormones through diet, supplements, etc.)
  4. Weight train at 3 time per week, following an 8 week Plan I have.
@uticus Compete and beat my previous total. Start the transition to sumo deadlift & feel focused in those sessions. Return to creatine dosing. Learn 1 thing from a world class powerlifter whose seminar I’m attending & put it into action.
@uticus To start training for a sprint tri: the plan includes 2 x swim/run/bike per week for about 30 minutes each to start

To complete the pole series on air walks 🧚🏼‍♀️
@uticus I love this approach!

This July I’m focusing on 1. ankle mobility and 2. getting back into swimming. No measurable goals for either, just trying to have these at the forefront of my mind when picking workouts for the day/week
@uticus I’m currently working on getting my first unassisted pull up. At the moment I’m working on negatives and I will attempt to try partial reps soon. I’m planning on going for my first attempt in about 5 weeks (or earlier if I feel there’s a chance I can get it and I feel like it on the day).

And yes, I always have several non-scale goals! They are really important to me, as I can work on them completely independent from how I look or what the scale is saying.
@uticus 10 pull ups (currently 3-6 depending on I don’t even know what 😅)

Middle split. I’m sooo close when properly warmed up.

Carrying whatever I need upstairs instead of taking the elevator.
@uticus Power through Epic 3, sit on the floor for 30 minutes a day, and deep squat for 3 minutes a day! I read Built to Move recently and I’m working hard on aging gracefully.
  • eat mindfully. Includes more meal prepping, more veggies, less eating out
  • 2-3 times a week pullup practice. I've let it slide and my strength is showing that loss
  • Single leg work and rucking- feel prepared to September backpacking
  • Jump- each horseback riding lesson is showing improvement. I'd like to finally pop over a little crossrail by end of August. (Can't believe I used to do 2+ ft no problem lol)
@uticus I love this! I’m on a trip right now visiting family and friends so I’m not tracking calories or weighing myself, and am considering keeping that up when I get home. I was tracking to bill but my fitness goals are changing a bit and I don’t know how much I care to anymore.

My goals for July and August are to keep swimming twice a week, get out for some longer bike rides, and start training for my half marathon in October. I’m also doing an unofficial Olympic distance triathlon at the end of the month with a friend and I’m excited!
@uticus I have seasonal depression in the summer time. It's really hit me like a truck this week with the humidity and heat that's here to stay for the next few weeks.

I ran my first 5k race on Sunday and it didn't go as well as I had hoped, in part due to the humidity (my legs felt so heavy). So my goal is to keep up my running training 3x a week at the gym in the AC, and go to yoga until the weather cools down again.
@uticus Stay healthy. I just crushed my finger at softball last night and I have a climbing/canoeing/camping trip planned next week so I'm going to muscle through it. I'm planning to get as much outdoorsy time as possible this summer and staying healthy is key to getting out as much as possible.
@uticus I want to beat my 5k time and go to body pump class more consistently! Also not a fitness goal per se but I want to finally go down to a roller skating shop to buy soft wheels.