How to improve shoulder and rotator cuff conditioning (e.g. Cuban rotations)

@bibbigo Add in some serratus anterior work for both the upper and lower fibers. I.e. serratus wall slides, planks with full protraction, plank to pike position with full protraction throughout range of motion, dips to tuck planche (correct form- protraction plus hollow body) once you can handle it, scapular pushups on the wall using fists and straight arms: when pushing out externally rotate humerus and try to get palms facing up.

Focus on upward scapular rotator strength (upper, lower traps, and serratus anterior) and mobilize and stretch downward rotators (rhomboids, levator scapula, pec minor).

I think external rotation you have that handled pretty well, but even small things to your daily workout like pushups with elbows tucked in activate the infraspinatus and teres minor more than without.