How to respond to the "you look like a man" comments?

Recently found out that extended family have been talking behind my back regarding my how I look now that I have lost weight and am putting on muscle. I should extend the caveat that I do not think I look like a man, while I have a ways to go before I reach my goals, I think I look good as f**k. But I need help coming up with a witty reply to those comments. Honestly I just don't know why what I do to my body is any of their business. Any clever retorts would be greatly appreciated!
@toosmartforyou01 Ok so I get comments like these ALLLLL the time! People would say “yOu hAvE a MuStAcHe” or they would say “yOur hAiry liKe a bOy” orrr “yoU nEEd tO sHave” orrrrrrr “yOu lOok LikE a MaN” and I get so tired of it but I snap back faster than you can blink. I would say that’s not my problem that you have insecurities about your body but you can’t put all of them on me. Or you could say, my body is nun of your business. Or, im confident in myself so it doesn’t bother me. Those are just some of the things that i say to shut em up. But again, that is your family so maybe you could think of something a bit more respectful but kinda like the same meaning. They weren’t respectful to you! So why should you be respectful to them?
@toosmartforyou01 An important part of a witty retort is the spontaneous act of it. So learning by heart some remarks that may or may not suit the person and context, I don't find that useful at all. Just be yourself and say whatever comes to your mind. A simple "talking about my body bothers me, please stop" or "I really do not care for some third party's opinion on my body" work just as well. Whenever someone comments unasked about my body, that's what I tell them. It's absolutely no one's business. This is something serious and not some stupid joke to have a witty retort to it, in my book. I just dismiss it, full stop.