Just watched a large man’s “what I eat in a day” IG real and once again mad at how little we can eat

@jacob2848 I assume they're going for a creamy broth, but using the instant stuff rather than a real tonkatsu, so adding the easiest thing to make it creamier but not too much saltier.
@shieldofangels I am vegan too! and when I tried to add more "protein" in my diet - I could never find any reasonable examples. They would be just eat oatmeal and chia seeds for breakfast and the calories would be 600 calories and 20 grams of protein.
@shieldofangels Yes! Until maybe a year ago - never tracked protein - and when I did - was surprised I wasn't even meeting US RDA levels. This is not surprising as a vegan as most vegan cookbooks for example- may not even have any tofu recipes or show a "balanced plate".

Finally found some fitness ladies on IG who are vegan and have high-protein recipes with moderate calorie amounts...hope that eating higher levels of protein will help me to maintain my weight and muscle.
@maggiechristianforumsdeng Don't go on the WFPB subreddit. They actively discourage protein consumption! I am now 54 years old- was always an active exerciser. I really regret undereating on protein- I wonder if would have had more muscles etc.!

Another annoying thing about these vegan influencers- they are usually endurance athletes who likely have high maintenance calories so of course they can get their protein on beans and rice -- but I can't...just very misleading.
@ajung Yes you are so correct. The demonizing of mock meats needs to stop. They’re a great source of protein with no saturated fat or cholesterol. Just because something is processed doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. WFPB dieters demonize great meat substitutes and protein then wonder why so many people fail a vegan diet. It’s sad.
@maggiechristianforumsdeng Yes! And so phobic about oil! My partner who is/was on the WFPB diet- was fearful of eating some purchased seitan with barely any vegetable oil.

Personally, I don't think the WFPB diet influencers like Mc Dougal and Fuhrman get enough criticism with their misinformation.
@shieldofangels I don’t know. It gets kind of expensive to eat a lot and you have to spend a lot of time making and eating food. Especially if you don’t want to be eating pure junk. Like it’s really easy to meet those calorie needs on soda, candy, and sweets like cookies, because those are very caloric foods, but that’s obviously unhealthy. Meeting those needs on healthy fats and proteins, veggies, and whole grains and stuff is HARD.

My two most active years recently I burned an average of 989 and 979 calories from activity a day, for an average of 2578 and 2568 calories total a day, and I felt like I had to eat and go to the grocery store all the damn time. I’d have to multitask to eat and fell asleep eating often, only to have to eat the cold stale plate when I woke up later because I needed the calories and to not waste food with how much I was spending on it.
@shieldofangels As little as we are, we do save a lot of money on food. At 5’2 115 pounds I only need around 1500-1700 to maintain my weight and 1200-1300 to lose weight. These men’s grocery bills are probably twice as expensive as a petite woman’s. It may suck that we cannot indulge like these men but we do save a lot of money.
@shieldofangels As a petite I understand how frustrating it is. However, one way to look on the brightside is how much money we probably save in groceries per week!!! If this dude is eating per day what we eat in 3 days his grocery bill has to be enormous.

I also like to remind myself that in times of famine we would have survived much longer than that dude because of our efficient energy expenditures and how we can survive off of less. Just some food for thought 🍎💭
@shieldofangels This may be an unpopular opinion, but larger humans have more hunger than smaller ones. Hunger is proportionate to caloric need, and larger people simply need more. It's just as difficult for larger people to get their macros just right as it is for us. I suspect they feel just as hungry as a petite person when cutting.
@shieldofangels I feel jealous when my husband drinking venti double chocolatly frappe with whipped cream. Me other hands, I’m contemplating if I want to spend my calories in tall hot cocoa.
@shieldofangels i try to channel their mindset and it actually helps

thinking like “omg this is so much food for my bulk this is so hard how do people eat this much 🥺

makes the portions feel huge lmao
@shieldofangels WTF? I would be 3x my current weight in a week if I ate that. Who is this guy? That diet is so all over the place. Is he trying to be vegan? Get SWOL?

You are basically describing every day living with my tall husband. He needs to eat constantly so I easily overeat around him. And every time I go on a diet he loses 10 pounds without even trying while my weight stays the same. Infuriating.

That's why I can't hang out in any subs with men or people over 5"5. They have absolutely no idea what it's like living in a world too big for you.

On the positive side, he is out of town this week and the grocery bill and food cleaning has basically been reduced to nothing. I can live off one meal for days, whereas when he is around it's a never ending cycle of cooking and dishes.