I’m 13 and wondering if Creatine is necessary

@diyakhandelwal Then you are doing it right.
You don't say what your goals are
Are you trying to build muscle? That's a lot to ask of a 13yo body that's still dealing with growth and puberty. It will come with time and as your hormones settle down- by the time you are 16-18 you will be in a much better position to build muscle.
At your age even your bones are still growing and you need to concentrate on functional fitness like body weight exercises, flexibility, stamina, etc.
As others have said- get plenty of sleep, preferably as much before midnight or so as you can- you only repair/ grow properly during sleep. My son sleeps and eats a lot, plays sports regularly and is now 6ft5 at age 16
@diyakhandelwal creatine is used as a plus but even for older people it isn’t necessary at all. what it does is it takes the water you drink and fills up your muscles basically making you look “fuller” that’s why it’s crucial to drink plenty of water while taking creatine, but to answer your question, don’t take it yet maybe wait till you’re older.
@diyakhandelwal No, especially not at 13. I wouldn't take any supplements until you're full grown, that'll come quicker than you think. Even then you really don't need supplements. I chose to take some, nothing nasty though.
Tip, I'm old now but wish I journaled when I was young. And wish I kept a bunch of stuff that I just kind of let slip away. (Yearbooks, basic training yearbook like thing, diplomas, certificates, pictures) Just a tip
@diyakhandelwal I don't understand why people are saying you need to wait until you're older to use creatine. Creatine is completely safe at any age. But you don't have to take it if you don't want to.

Follow a proper program, eat enough, drink protein shakes if you want, sleep a lot, take mineral or vitamin supplements if you don't get enough from your regular diet or improve your food choices
I don't understand why people are saying you need to wait until you're older to use creatine

Because people get weirdly scared whenever a kid does anything, they think it feels wrong in a way they can't explain and instead of figuring that maybe they should make decisions based on actual information they just say no